Crate unhealthy for a dogs for their behavior - Page 5

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by Blitzen on 21 January 2012 - 15:01

More valid reasons for using crates.

by LMH on 21 January 2012 - 15:01

I gather your post is aimed at me, Blitzen.  I'm pretty adept at handling my responses and trying to not step on anyone's toes, but I do "resent" (your word) "those who crate their dogs are bad dog owners and those who don't are better or more caring dog owners."  NO ONE said that......hence, I didn't; and "There's a lot more to being a responsible dog owner than whether or not one uses a crate to contain a dog."  That's a ridiculous line and totally sidesteps.

"Simply put," (my earlier words), I'm pissed.  Allow me my opinion, please.  I, certainly, have always allowed you yours.  If mistaken in the intent of your last post, I can apologize. If, sadly, I'm spot on, I've had my say with the exception of repeating my profound sentiment that I HATE CRATES and am content.  Over 20 people commented on this thread. Only a few ventured forth an alternative, but still compromising postion to yours by sugar coating with the acceptable good uses for a crate.  I didn't.  Can there be EVEN one dissenting opinion on this board ever again?


by Jenni78 on 21 January 2012 - 15:01

LMH, I think you're overreacting.  The sentiment that you provoked (whether or not you said it) was that those who crate are at the very least, lazy, and the very worst, uncaring. That's what it seems Blitzen is referring to, at least to me. This is why I explained my boring lifestyle stuff. 

To further expound, since you say there was a shortage of alternatives, I have a decent yard split into several big kennels/small yards, however you want to view them. They each have a nice house, a separate bathroom area w/wood chips, their own tree or shrub, and some grass. I could use these in lieu of crates, and get rid of the crates, I suppose, EXCEPT:

1) that doesn't keep my dogs safe from someone coming into the yard when I'm not home.

2) they could still get accidentally bred in a fenced area

3) all but Capri are fence jumpers, so how secure are they in my fenced yard?

You mention baby gates. I'm sorry, but that's honestly kind of funny. Baby gates? To separate large aggressive dogs? I think it's wonderful if that works for you, but to infer that those who put the safety of ALL ahead of everything else are either lazy or uncaring is offensive. Now, I have to say that I do think you are entilted to your opinion, and it doesn't bother me a bit. It wouldn't work for my dogs, so I don't use it. Take what you need, leave the rest. But you can't really be "pissed" when you strike a nerve with statements like that. I really don't understand the hostility over this, frankly. If it's just a difference of opinion, why the tone???


by LMH on 21 January 2012 - 16:01

Think what you want, little girl.  For once in your life, butt out.....ESPECIALLY when it's blatantly obvious that a post has not been directed to you.


by Jenni78 on 21 January 2012 - 16:01

You got it, old lady  woman.

by Blitzen on 21 January 2012 - 17:01

Jennie wrote:

LMH, I think you're overreacting. The sentiment that you provoked (whether or not you said it) was that those who crate are at the very least, lazy, and the very worst, uncaring. That's what it seems Blitzen is referring to, at least to me. This is why I explained my boring lifestyle stuff. 

Blitzen responds: It was.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 21 January 2012 - 19:01


Red Sable

by Red Sable on 21 January 2012 - 23:01

LMH, you are calling us liars because we said our dogs love their crates.  How would you know?  You have never even used one, so where are you getting your information from? Did anyone call you a liar for what you believe?  No, so show us the same respect for having a different opinion to yours.

What makes you think your dog is any  happier being locked in a room?  Locked up is locked up.  Would you enjoy that?

I'll tell you something, and I don't care if you believe me or not.  My dog wants to be near me, period.  I've left her outside, FREE, and she sits by the door, I've taken her to work and she is constantly near my feet.  If I wasn't  mean and nasty and putting her somewhere safe, she'd be dead by now, trampled or kicked by a horse.  FACT.

When my children were little, and too young to know danger, I used a play pen, and at nights a crib.  I suppose you think that is mean too?  Or is that OK for human babies, just not fur babies?
People like you are dangerous.

Chaz Reinhold

by Chaz Reinhold on 22 January 2012 - 00:01


by mentayflor on 22 January 2012 - 00:01

I can understand those who say that you  put the doggy into the crate because you have reasons to do that. But those who say that put the dogs there because they love to stay at the crat, I would ask them if you let the door of the crate open, as they love it...


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