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by johan77 on 19 February 2012 - 10:02

Daryl, the problem is already there and isn´t likely to go away. Why not have one breedclub that both workingbreeders and showbreeders feel take care of their intresst and the breed, instead of forming other clubs and organizations. A club that don´t stick the head in the sand and pretend most breeders live up to the fine words in the breedstandard and other projects the breedclub are involved in. The SV system obviously doesn´t work, if it did we wouldn´t have the split, better then for the breedclub to recognize there are two types in the breed and let each direction work to fulfill their goal, better for everybody, it´s just for the showpeople to do what they do know but the breedclub would also intresst those who breed for work and closer to the mentalaity and type described in the breedstandard. If the breed should have two names instead for one I see as less important, a breedclub who take care of both sides are more importaont I think. If the breed shrinks to much in registrations I guess it could have a negative effect on the strenght and economy of the breedclub.

by Mackenzie on 19 February 2012 - 10:02


The SV system does work but only up to the point of enforcement by the decision makers in the Club.   The SV does already promote both show and working side under the one umbrella.   The divisions between the two is because neither side can breed to the breed standard and achieve what is desired of a German Shepherd. The breed standard has been in place for many years and during that time has stood the breed in good stead up to the point that Hermann Martin became President.   He dispensed with the four family system which had kept the gene pool open, he disqualified dogs on colour alone which reduced the gene pool, he promoted oversized dogs (His own dog Quando, Fanto Hirschel and many others) because people liked the big dogs, he was in favour of discarding the biting test altogether but at the same time promoting dogs who would bite and regardless of whether the dog come out or ignored any control command.

Until the members get together and force change for the better, changes that benefit both sides, then nothing will change and they will follow like sheep (very appropriate for our sheepherding dogs).   The whole world follows and is based on Germany.



by duke1965 on 19 February 2012 - 11:02

johann , it is all about economics , but not of the breedclub  but the ones who rule it , but this has nothing to do with the choices the breeders make , you can breed and select what you want within the rules

furthermore ,if I understand things right ,a big number of SV members dond care as they dont even have a german shepherd , but are people with other workingbreeds that attended a SV organized prufung , and to do so had to become SV member first

by Gustav on 19 February 2012 - 11:02

Duke 1965 as the person who started this post......You would get the"A" from me on what I think..100 present on the money. Been trying to say what you just wrote on this forum for many years......made a lot of enemies...haha. But you hit the nail on the head. Thanks

by Rass on 19 February 2012 - 13:02

Duke 1965 said:

As for the original topic , I think captain Max would hate to see the breed to go to whatever over the top specialism possible , so as much as he would hate the showline that cannot do anything else than show , he would also hate the sport/points dogs of today that cannot do anything else , and he would be sad for the lost versatility the breed was known and wanted for , like in seeing eye dogs where they dont use shepherds anymore , the many other jobs where german shepherds used to be the standard , but now are hardly found anymore ,because this was what he worked for so hard ,to create a versatile workingbreed ,not only loved but even more so , used by many

Read this.  Then read it again.  And Again.
Only a dog with balanced drives can be the dog that can do so many different things so successfully. 

I was fortunate.. my first dog was one of those balanced dogs.  If you ever have one and you ever have a variety of jobs for that dog to do as mine did, you will never want any other kind. 

by Blitzen on 19 February 2012 - 13:02

Nice posts, Rass and Duke.

by johan77 on 19 February 2012 - 13:02

If the SV works well I don´t understand why raiser feel the need to form a new club based  more on work? I guess you can breed what you want as an SV-member, but clearly for many breeders the regulations SV has is not enough to keep the breed as a workingdog as it is according to the standard, because this is not an intresst for many breeders. So if SV or similar clubs in other countries was serious about breeding correct GSDs they should place more focus on that goal, to have a breedclub that works for the betterment of the breed, for breeders and new puppybuyers.

Then personally I´m less worried about what happens in germany or RSV, I´m more intressted to make positive changes  in my own country. There still are quite many that breeds dogs that looks like they did before the split, and also uses dogs that are good for work and not only in sport, so to say workingdog breeders fail to breed according to the standard is wrong, after all their dogs both looks closer to the standard and are more likely to fit in some kind of work comprared to the showbreeders.

by Gustav on 19 February 2012 - 14:02

Rass, that is exactly what I was talking about....bravo for Duke1965! He zeroes in on the real problems with the breed today, imo, and if you are following the fads, he noted, you are as much the problem as the dog has become....this breed shouldn't be a fad!!!

by Rass on 19 February 2012 - 15:02

Ahh Gustav.. you are so right.. but when it becomes all about the money.. then fads take hold!  ''

When a Fad is a style of Jeans, when the fad is over Jeans end up in the dust bin. 

When the fad is an animal, the genes end up in the next generation(s) and can lead to the entire breed in the dust bin!    


by Koach on 19 February 2012 - 15:02

Rass said:

When the fad is an animal, the genes end up in the next generation(s) and can lead to the entire breed in the dust bin!    

So well said and so true. 


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