GSDCA-WDA BYLAW Change Proposal - Page 5

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by gck on 25 March 2012 - 01:03

Judron55 commented:  "we are not allowed to join USA if we are GSDCA members.

and USCA members aren't allowed to compete in WDA events....the few you can find. Yes Smiley...specialty..." 

This is wrong information.  Both GSDCA and UScA are full WUSV members, and are therefore bound to recognize each others' members per WUSV rules.  UScA members are welcome to participate in WDA events, with certain exceptions, sometimes with a fee surcharge, sometimes not.    Overall, the WDA is the most welcoming of German style USA based organizations.

by openmind on 25 March 2012 - 03:03

Way to go, Ms Besserwisser!  Great post full of honest feelings and of the importance of integrity. In fact, I think Mr. P.O.O. and the Pips are now in full damage control mode as a result of the membership outrage over the 3 proposed by-law changes.  According to a PM I received, it seems that in the spirit of harmony (remember that Kumbaya word?) and openness, "Our Leader" in his infinite wisdom has magnanimously decided to appoint Dan Hartman, who has been an outspoken opponent of the proposals from the get go, to be a ballot counter.  Don't know if he will be added to the 3 originally announced or not.  However, this is still a subterfuge to divert attention away from having made the members sign the envelopes, and, thus, allowing Board members to know how members voted.  Also not known is what is going to become of the envelopes and ballots after the ballots are counted.  Will Mr. P.O.O. find something in his Robert's Rules of Order that says the ballots and envelopes must be saved in case someone requests a recount, and in that case, who will take charge of said envelopes and ballots? Guesses, any one?

While Ms Besserwisser's post was a wonderful one and right on target, the truth of it really saddened me when she wrote of how WDA members feared retribution and especially those in Region 7 and in Connecticut, and, therefore, how they would probably not vote at all rather than be identified as going against the wishes of the BoardThat is a terrible indictment of those in power.  Now, let's think about this.  Which Board members or officers would be involved in Region 7 that would strike fear into the hearts of the members--why, I think that would be our own, "the members have spoken," newly elected President P.O.O. and one of his "Pips"--Treasurer Alethea Munsinger.  And then who in Connecticut might instill fear of retribution--could that possibly be Director Henkel? 

And speaking of Ms Munsinger, in the fascinating packet of unapproved minutes distributed by the highly regarded by the membership, but deposed by the Board, former elected-by-the-members Secretary Gayle Kirkwood, there was an interesting page which discussed the fact that there are currently no checks and balances in place to access the GSDCA-WDA database.  Ms Munsinger, it seems has sole access to and control of it and why is that?  There was also a statement proposing the authorization of an auditing firm and the suggested exclusion of a specifically named firm.  While I don't know the story behind this, I have a feeling there is one, and hopefully someone will post and fill in the blanks for the rest of us.  Then there was another statement that really caught my attention.  It suggested a motion be made that the Board cause the submission of all corporate documents required by Federal and Colorado record-keeping statues and/or RONR, by all past and current officers, directors, and committee chairs to the WDA office with a proposed deadline date.  There again I have no idea what that means, but it sounds as if there might be another substantive story there.  Unfortunately these motions were never made at the NASS Membership Meeting because someone made a quick motion to end the meeting and that was quickly seconded  and voted on, and, thus, no one was allowed any more time to speak!  However, for a very interesting read, I again suggest you contact Ms. Kirkwood for a copy of her unsanitized minutes of the July Board meeting.  Those minutes give real insight to the politics going on that involve the same people from 2011 and 2012.  And, incidentally, it took the current Board until a February, 2012 phone conference to finally approve the July, 2011 minutes.  Unbelievable!! Seems to me if someone doesn't want something he or she said during a Board meeting reported to the membership, then perhaps he or she should not have said it in the first place!

Since this Board seems to think a great deal of itself, I would like to propose an online evaluation of the performance of each of the Board members and officers.  I am not suggesting nasty comments or over the top superlatives, but perhaps rather a rating scale with a scale of 1 to 10 along with the Name and Region or Office--with 1 being Poor and 10 being Excellent.  That would give both the Board and the Membership a view as to how the Board and its actions are being perceived or received by the membership, since the Board is supposed to have the best interest of the membership in mind.  I realize, as the Board has often reminded us, that they serve as volunteers, but I am also aware that there are some Regional Directors who do little or nothing to keep their members informed on Board activities or to support their members or their members' interests, and I am just as sure they know who they are.  I just hope that the next time they are up for re-election, they decide not "to volunteer."  Even better, maybe they should consider doing everyone a favor by resigning ahead of time.  Along that same line of thought, do the by-laws provide for impeachment of officers and/or directors, and if so, under what circumstances?  Does anyone know?

I would also like to suggest that someone or perhaps the Concerned Members of the WDA seriously look into the possibility of an injunction to halt the voting on the 3 proposed by-laws since it violates the rights of privacy of members to a secret ballot, or, at least, to look into the possibility of an injunction to halt the counting of the ballots or to have the ballots impounded until a legal opinion can be rendered.

Last, but not least, I encourage other members to step up and to post their opinions.  This thread has been viewed by close to 2500 people, but has only about 40 posts.  For those of you who do not normally post on the Chat Board, threads that do not have active posts keep going down on screen 1 and then they go onto screen 2, etc. and then basically cease to be seen.  It is imperative that this thread be kept on screen 1.  For those of you who fear posting because of reprisals or retribution, perhaps you can use a friend's pc and password so that you can remain anonymous.  But, please, please, do cast your vote.  Not voting means that "they" surely will win and the future of the WDA will be in question.  We need everyone to be "heard" through the ballots, and we need everyone's "no" vote to win this critical battle.  Then we next need to work on taking back the WDA from the political cadre now controlling it.  JMHO

by gck on 25 March 2012 - 03:03

The July 2011 minutes follow the precedent set for the July 2009 minutes.  The July 2009 minutes, some 30 pages in length, were only submitted to the board AFTER the January 2010 board meeting, and finally approved at the April 2010 board meeting for dessemination to the membership.  For those who remember, the July 2009 meeting was the one where the board agreed to sign away membership rights to privacy and publicity for their dogs as a prerequisite to enter NASS.

In fairness, the final version of the July 2011 minutes is on hold, pending legal negotiations.  Hopefully those will be concluded soon, so that the membership may have access to the board's actions for the last 9 months.

In the meantime, please give Openmind's comments full consideratio--and VOTE!

by sunshine on 25 March 2012 - 04:03

Openmind:  Have access to unlimited legal firms and will do some work in the coming days to see if a pro bono is possible from top attorneys. 

by sunshine on 25 March 2012 - 05:03

In the interest of transparency an audit of processes is appropriate.  I would love to audit the WDA secretariat!!!  I offer my services.  I am sure a few things could be pulled back into some order.  I would love to see financials.  I would have some ideas how to consolidate services and reduce costs. 

The lack of transparency into this organization is really irritating.  How can one offer what has to offer if one has no isight?  I saw huge costs in postage.  OMG  one of the biggest costs of the organization is Fedexing.  Anyone thought of speaking with Fedex???  But those were unofficial financials.  Anyone ever see any financials from this organization?  What about tax returns?  What gives this organization the validity as a non profit?  Why does not the membership get any insight?  What is the true membership list? 


by Smiley on 25 March 2012 - 11:03

Gck commented:

This is wrong information.  Both GSDCA and UScA are full WUSV members, and are therefore bound to recognize each others' members per WUSV rules.  UScA members are welcome to participate in WDA events, with certain exceptions, sometimes with a fee surcharge, sometimes not.    Overall, the WDA is the most welcoming of German style USA based organizations.

Here is what is listed on the current USA membership application:

"I represent that I am not a member of any competing German Shepherd Dog organization situated in the United States of America. I further understand and consent to the fact that my membership privileges shall be revoked with no refund, even on a pro-rata basis, should I at a later point in time, become a member of a competing German Shepherd Dog organization."

This means that we are NOT allowed to become USA members if we belong to the GSDCA. 



by judron55 on 26 March 2012 - 01:03

Thank you Sara.......

by hexe on 26 March 2012 - 02:03

As I understand it, Smiley & judron55, if you're a member of *just* the GSDCA, USCA is obligated to accept your scorebooks and allow you to participate in their events per the WUSV's rules--because both are WUSV members and are required to honor other WUSV member organizations' scorebooks.  Problem is, if are a GSDCA member and are denied entry in a USCA event, what are you really going to be able to do about it?  You could complain to the WUSV, but I doubt it would generate much in the way of results, and by the time you could make the complaint, the event would be long past.

For some reason, dogsport clubs and shenanigans of all sorts just seem to go hand-in-hand, and if there's more than one organization in a given area with the same focus of interest, there's sure to be pissin' matches all 'round...each one trying to outmaneuver the other, and invariably a financially-oriented scandal happening in one or more of 'em every few years.


by Smiley on 26 March 2012 - 11:03


Yeah, it is really stupid. I don't understand why the separation but I guess the political stuff happened before my time, so to speak.  It is SOOOO frustrating. I guess we can show in some USA events but not as members. I have been told several things...all of which contradict each other!!

I have been told by the USA office themselves that I may not participate in ANY USA events as a GSDCA member. I have been told at another time that I *may* be able to participate in USA local conformation shows  (not trials) but it is up to each individual show to decide if they want to let me in. Let's see...then I was also informed I need to come in through the backdoor , in regard to USA, and either have a DVG membership forgot the other club they said. I guess if you have a scorebook with the DVG or this other organization that I forgot than they have to let you in at USA events....even if you are a GSDCA member.

Why is this so important if we have the WDA? Well, there are not that many active clubs or events with WDA and the USA clubs and events are everywhere.

I just want to be able to compete with my dog. *sigh*

But, I did just join the WDA (thanks forum members) and I'll just stick to WDA shows for now but I was told to make sure they are under SV judges or nobody else will accept the scorebook.

It is all so confusing for a new person like myself!! 



by Dog1 on 26 March 2012 - 12:03


As a GSDCA  or GSDCA-WDA member you cannot be a USA member. However as a GSDCA member you can participate in ALL USA events. The sieger show requires an additional fee. Doesn't make sense but lots of things don't make sense. You just have to accept them.

The waters are very muddy and the misinformation being spread makes it even more confusing. The members of the organization are not always on the same page too as you have discovered.

You would be amazed at the number of entries being lost at events because of how confusing it is to enter. I personally know of 22 dogs that tried to but were not able to enter the recent regional show in Statesville.


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