Did anyone get their AKC puppy papers from litter of VA Harry X Farah ? - Page 4

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by bcrawford on 28 February 2013 - 19:02


It seems to me like it was a business transaction that turned personal. I don't think the seller took the null-and-void route until the public bashing started at the hands of the buyer ALL WHILE still being owed money.

But as it stands the buyer still has an obligation but the seller would take the dog back!

LTS -- Give her the dog back! I think it would be best for everyone and the dog.


by kitkat3478 on 28 February 2013 - 19:02

That's why I say, LTS, if you still owe money, "pay it", you cannot expect to get the papers if the "complete" price is not paid, whether that be for dog, or dog "PLUS" transport,
I don't blame seller for being pissed over the bull crap either, HOWEVER, IF the dog was purchased with the understanding AKC papers would be available....they should be available.
Alright, there was misunderstanding, NOW, LTS you know how much is left owing.
You can either return dog, which I don't know if purchase price will be refunded, keep the dog with no papers and sell paperless pups, or pay the transport and get the papers.
You are not getting any closer to your solution on the route you are on.


by LOVE THY SHEPHERD on 28 February 2013 - 20:02

OMG   kitkat, your right on many aspects of what happened.  There
was no misunderstanding, except she never told me the dog was
NOT AKC Reg.   I did nothing wrong.  I agreed to pay her a reasonable
amount for meeting me with Farah.  But to lie and say she will give me
AKC papers and not have them !  She goes on and on how terrible I am
are u kidding me   On my part I will say we should have had an amount
on the delivery part, It was stupid on both of us to not put an amount in
the contract.  But I will not give her a damn dime till I kow she is reg.

Huum  Why won't you answer this question ?????  Do you have Farah's
AKC papers in hand ???????????????  I have asked you this question
at least 20 times now


by Cesna on 28 February 2013 - 21:02


by LOVE THY SHEPHERD on 28 February 2013 - 21:02

To all of you that have responded, I am giving up.
The last statement by Cesna is a crock.  And she talks
a good talk, but nothing about what is actually going on.
The crap about the AKC is just that.  She has not reg. her
with AKC to this day !!!
She met me with Farah without an agreement on price.  Her
words were pay me for gas money.  Yes it was cheaper to meet
her, so what.  Who doesn't want to see money when they can ?
The comments about me not being able to afford stuff, that's not
true.  She simply wants me to pay for all of her dogs to get the
ride to the Sieger Show.  And by the way, I wasn't informed of a
price for travel, till the day after I got home with Farah.  She got
mad at me cause SHE got lost and made ME wait 2 hours for her.
She constantly rambles on about different things except the truth.

I don't believe that it costs $350 for gas, but I'm not too good at math.  lol
I will pay a reasonable amount,  when I have proof that she reg. her with
AKC    I am not gonna comment anymore on this, as everyone believes her
lies.  So when I have proof, or the papers I will come back.


by rtdmmcintyre on 28 February 2013 - 22:02

have you ever shipped a box through the mail or through any parcel service.  never is the shipping price gas only.  be nice if it was but to be fair when ever shipping of any sort there are always other expenses included besides just gas. 

by beetree on 28 February 2013 - 22:02

What I can't believe is you guys call yourselves "professionals"?  How many years in the biz for both involved? And .... it has come down to this? Freakin' gas money?  Didn't think to get the papers .... first? 

Oops! .... a big ....Oops!  .... So, as it goes in the dogworld..... one good Oops, deserves another good Oops! 


by Runag on 28 February 2013 - 22:02


I don't understand why you are posting here.  If you are correct, why not just go to the law and sue for breach of contract/verbal agreement?  I can't see what will be achieved by airing all the dirty laundry on this board - it is obviously a personal matter.


by Cesna on 28 February 2013 - 23:02



by Bhaugh on 01 March 2013 - 01:03

To be fair Kitkat,

I dont know Donna or Cesna. Nor do I not like either of them. Donna knows she most likely wont get the papers. That has been pretty much settled. BUT to breed the dog and DO THE SAME THING TO SOMEONE ELSE is what really gets me. Even if that can be overlooked, seller is not happy nor is buyer. The sellter has offered to take the dog back and refund her the purchase price. If it were me, that's what I would do. Take the dog back. Even if I had to eat the gas to do it. Then this would all be over. Donna could go on her way and get another dog.

In all reality both are wrong in assuming from the other. If Donna chooses to keep Farah after a return/refund has already been offered, then she can't complain week after week on here about how she didnt get papers. A solution has been offered. She either now takes it or assumes responsibility of a dog without papers and I would hope that she is honest with the people who are payin $1200-1500 a pop, they most likely won't be getting papers either.

Maybe I would be sympathic if Donna hadn't bred this dog and is now lying to perspective buyers about getting papers. Even if she sells the puppies with no papers, she still made a nice sum, paid for Farah and will some left to cover any remaining fees. AND she can take Farah back ( if leary get it in writing first) and get her money back. That's a win win in my book. I would love to make a profit on a dog I place. If that day ever comes your going to see me jumping for joy!



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