Tim Helser - Page 5

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by hexe on 09 April 2013 - 03:04

Brittany, before you find yourself in a similar position to where you were a few year's back, might I suggest that you do a web search on this individual, as well as do a search on this site?  You'll find there is good reason for the concern. In the time since the rest of us have 'known' you through PDB, I feel secure in saying that you would NOT be supportive of this person once you have all the facts.

by Bob McKown on 09 April 2013 - 09:04

Unfortunately there will always be gullible people and stupid people who will give someone there dog to train and we all know how those stories work out. Guys like Helser prey on the misinformed and uninformed,there good salesmen con men have to be. He has been given good advice in the past on how to clean up his act butt to no avail (like pearls to swine).
I don,t friend anyone on facebook that i would not set down with and have a beer with! life is too short.
Every time a Helser screws,cheats,takes advantage of or flat out scams a person whether we like it or not we all in the working dog work all get a little dirty. I have first hand experienced his scamming for years. If the GSCDA is stupid enough to allow him to be a member so be it but yes he will use his affiliation as a big part of his scams and again we will all pay a little of the price for it.

I guess it,s too hard to do the right stuff, to hard for some to work and raise there dogs and give others a helping hand without having an ulterior motive to the negative. Scammers there every where.
Trainer to the stars, Trainer of novice,intermediate,regional,national international competitors. These are just some of the things Helser tells people and advertises on and there are some people out there who will believe any thing they read without any concern. Basically getting involved with Helser is like going bareback on a 5.00 dollar whore during a Shriner convention!... You get what you pay for!.

by Blitzen on 09 April 2013 - 10:04

I am an GSDCA member and I do  care about who gets to use their affiliation with that club to sell dogs or promote services and scams. It's a black eye to the entire breed, working, show, all lines. I would also care if it were a club I didn't belong to or like. Anything that lends credibility to a known scammer will hurt the breed in the long run.

No AKC sanctioned breed club can refuse membership to an applicant based on he said, she said. They need more than that, they need proof of a conviction or testimony from those who have actually fallen victims to the applicant. So if he gets to be a member, don't piss on the GSDCA for admitting him, blame those who have had first hand experience with Helser for not stepping up to the plate, members or not. The WDA, the USCA, both clubs that essentially answer to no one else so they make their own rules and accept whomever they want and reject whomever they don't want. AKC sanctioned clubs are under the thumb of the AKC. I realize that the GSDCA has a poor reputation in the GWL and GSL world, but it is still the governing body in the US. Preventing  people who are known to be dishonest from becoming members benefits all who use the AKC to register their dogs.

by Blitzen on 09 April 2013 - 11:04

Brittany, read my first 2 posts and you might understand that this thread was not "created" to trash anyone and does not violate any of the database TOS.  I stated a fact - Helser has applied for membership in the GSDCA and then suggested that anyone with any comments should let them be known to that club. Without any documented proof if any wrongdoing, Helser will be elected into membership.

by Dobermannman on 09 April 2013 - 11:04

GSDCA members that actually have documented proof of wrong doings on Helsers part have an obligation to report these wrong doings to the organization. Non members who are just jumping on the band wagon and repeating something they heard or read on the PDB are  busy bodies with delusions of importance. Who need to get off the Interweb and do something with their dogs or kids or ?
The recent case with him trying to BS his way into a cheaper license fee and then threatening "legal actions" and causing himself a lot of grief and legal problems just proves how self destructive he is.

Thomas Barriano
Dubheasa Germania (11/05/99-08/11/08) SchH III M R Brevet AKC WD III AWD 1 STP 1 CD WAC TT
Ascomannis Jago (06/20/03) SchH III AKC WD III AWD I TT WAC
Belatucadrus (08/14/05) DS BH TT MR I
Flannchadh von der Bavarianburg (5/21/08) TT IPO II STP I
Winterfell Arya (11/27/09)BH TT K9NW I
Gwrgenau vom Himmelhoch (8/19/09) BH TT


by Bhaugh on 09 April 2013 - 12:04


I am not a member HOWEVER, some of the crap he has done needs to be publically stated so that others won't be ripped off by him. Not all of us are "busy bodies with delusions of importance".

As I am on the West Coast, without the this board and others like it, I would be unaware of nut cases like him. When I am contacted for people in an area to buy or adopt from, I like to be able to tell them who NOT to go to.


by Blitzen on 09 April 2013 - 12:04

 I will forward to the GSDCA any documented reasons why Helser should not be admitted into the club. That would include convictions and first hand  experience with his scamming. I would also like to know who to contact at the WDA and the USCA to confirm that his application or renewal was rejected.

PM me here......Thanks

by Dobermannman on 09 April 2013 - 15:04


If you have personal knowledge of "some of the crap" that Helser has pulled? Then by all means pass it on.
If you're just repeating something you've read on the PDB, assuming it is true, then you're making a mistake.
How many threads have there been trashing one breeder or another?
Don't believe everything you read, especially here


by Dobermannman on 09 April 2013 - 15:04

I just got the following message on FB

You go and tell the POB crowd that I am a Member with GSDCA & WDA and have been for over a month, I did not join for any other reason but to trial my dogs ...!! I have nothing to say, I have shown many video and pictures of my dogs and training, I have nothing to hide nor will I hide! If anyone wants to come to my home and see the dogs and training first hand I would be more than welcoming to have anyone here! If anyone would like to set a time they may call me at 937-360-4967 Thank you

I'm not a GSDCA member so I don't care either way. If anyone wants to discuss the statement above you have Tim's phone number.

Thomas Barriano

by Bob McKown on 09 April 2013 - 16:04

You guys must be pretty tight, to be Tim,s mouth piece.

GSDCA-WDA thats a good place for Helser I wish them a long happy marrige!

It,s a good thing local clubs still have the right to refuse an entry and to be in our regionals or national events you have to be a member.


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