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by Prager on 04 May 2013 - 12:05

Abby I am not going to post any link for you. "Perhaps" you do your own research. I am stating facts.I have no reason to lie.  Dogs are my passion and subsequent lively hood. I do what I love and love what I do. I must know these facts because they threaten this passion and my Liberty. That you choose not to believe the facts  is your problem. AKC was is fighting these rules of years now. States like NY and many others are proposing and some are adopting these ridiculous rules all the time . You must be living in lead cave if you do not know about this. 

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.
C. S. Lewis


by Prager on 04 May 2013 - 12:05

After all the years and all the GSD's imported to the US why do we not already have enough good dogs here? Why is there still the need to import more?  When will enough be enough? Ever?
Because knowledge of individual dogs on the pedigree, breeding principles  and genetics of most US breeders is atrocious. 
Because most breeders think that best breeding is that if they breed two excellent dogs. Then  they they expect that they   will get excellent pups.  
Besides if you want to import why not? Regardless of the reason. 
Why to import ANYTHING??? 
Prager Hans


by Brittany on 04 May 2013 - 12:05

Hans: Yes those are the proposed legislation. Not possible you say ? Then what about putting reputable kennels who existed for decades out of business in LA county by passing mandatory spay / neuter to ALL dogs!!! Who woke up in the morning and said that everybody must get his dog's gonads cut off. Yeah there are exceptions for $200 per year per dog.

Don't get me started about the Neuter Nazi's and how their ultimate goals is to commit massive genocide of our domestic animals. Organizations like PETA are joining forces with HSUS to make sure that all of our animals are surgically altered whether we like it or not through legislation. They would like to make sure that all breeders (Both bad and the reputable) are put out of business. Time is in the essence. They've already brainwashed so many veterinarians to spread fear to their clients. To use the ultimate fear word "Cancer" as their choice of method to spread their propaganda so they can make a fast cash. I don't know how many times I've seen vets who try so hard to push me into scheduling an appointment so I can "spay and neuter" my animals by using the Cancer word. UNBELIEVABLE.

Blitzen: After all the years and all the GSD's imported to the US why do we not already have enough good dogs here? Why is there still the need to import more? When will enough be enough? Ever?

I always wondered about that.

by Blitzen on 04 May 2013 - 12:05

Paul, I wasn't talking about breeders who ship their dogs to Europe to be bred and then get them back. I'm referring to the breeders who sell pregnant bitches to whelp in strange homes in other countries. Some are so far along in their pregnancies that the puppies are whelped in transit.  That's just not right IMO.

I'm not trying to "force" my opinion on you or anyone else.

by Blitzen on 04 May 2013 - 12:05

Prager, if the breeders here are so lacking in the ability to breed good dogs then maybe it would benefit the European breeders to stop exporting to the US? There must be other breeders in other countries who will do it right? Why keep supplying dogs to the US?


by Prager on 04 May 2013 - 12:05

 Here is LA couty's ridiculous bunch of lies.
Spay and Neuter: Did You Know?





* Spaying and Neutering is good for your pet, preventing certain cancers and diseases. Lie by omission. 


* Spaying and Neutering is the best solution to controlling the over-pet population. Lie.  Spaying an neutering programs are historically totally ineffective in limiting over population ( what ever that is) . 


* Spaying and Neutering can save you money on pet licensing fees. OMG ok spay/neuter  your dog and you will save money by us  not charge you exorbitant fees. LOL This one takes a cake!


The Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control provides spaying and neutering services for the animals in county animal shelters only. For information on spaying and neutering your pet, please call your private veterinarian.


Important changes to the Los Angeles County Code regarding dogs.



by Prager on 04 May 2013 - 12:05

Prager, if the breeders here are so lacking in the ability to breed good dogs then maybe it would benefit the European breeders to stop exporting to the US? There must be other breeders in other countries who will do it right? Why keep supplying dogs to the US?

How would it benefit them to stop exporting to US?!   What in the world are you talking about?  



by Brittany on 04 May 2013 - 12:05

ROFLMAO Hans I love this part "Spaying and Neutering is good for your pet, preventing certain cancers and diseases."

People die from testicular/ovarian cancer. Should we ALL walk inside the hospital and ask to be spayed and neutered to prevent reproductive issues in the future? Should women ask to have their breasts removed to prevent breasts cancer from forming? After all we are also mammals who are prone to "Cancers".

I most certainly get that line ALL the time from vets.

by Blitzen on 04 May 2013 - 12:05

How  would it benefit? It would keep good dogs out of the hands of those who don't know what they are doing. Surely there are plenty of other countries to sell dogs where they won't be wasted by incompetent  buyers like those of us in the US?  

What do you see as the benefit of  continuing to import dogs into a country with draconian dog laws and too much oversight by AR groups? It doesn't look like things are going to get better in the US any time soon. It's unlikely that we will ever able able to breed good dogs,  so why keep sending them to us? It's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, isn't it?? Wouldn't the top notch Eurpoean breeders rather keep thier dogs so they know  are bred correctly?

by joanro on 04 May 2013 - 14:05

San Diego SPCA aims to Eliminate the Competition

Posted: 03 May 2013 09:05 AM PDT

Did you know that rescue groups in San Diego import dogs from outside the area, and even from Mexico? It's true. Helen Woodward has imported dogs from as far away as Romania on a regular basis. There is a shortage of adoptable dogs in San Diego. And now, these same "rescue" and "humane" groups are supporting a ban on the sales of puppies bred by licensed ethical breeders here in the US. 

The animal rights fanatics prefer for NO animal to be purposefully bred, ever. 


"Gary Weitzman, president of the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA, said the ordinance would help find more homes for the 45,000 animals that come through the shelter system in San Diego County."

What a bald-faced liar! 

This is not about finding homes for shelter animals. There is a grand total of ONE pet store in San Diego. Shutting them down will have vitually NO EFFECT on the shelter population, and will not help even ONE shelter dog find a home. No, this is an ideological issue. This is all about institutionalized prejudice against pet breeders. It's all about demonizing pet breeders. It's all about making pet ownership more restrictive. 
But then this is the People's Republic of California we live in, so no surprise there. 

Currently, no adoptable dogs are killed in San Diego's shelter system. Ever. Because THEY ALL FIND HOMES. 

"Animal advocacy groups report 99 percent of canines sold in pet stores come from inhumane puppy mills, which fail to provide adequate veterinary care."

What utter CRAP. And this is published as if it were gospel by a San Diego news outlet. Commercial pet breeders are among the most highly regulated of industries. VPI pet insurance reduced the rates for pet store puppies by 30% as compared to pets obtained from other sources. Why? Pet store puppies receive more veterinary care in the first 12 weeks of life than any other puppies, and, as a result, have fewer claims.


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