Karma is a Bitch.... - Page 9

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by Blitzen on 04 May 2013 - 19:05

Whatever, Prager, everyone else understands my point even if you don't. Have a good day.


by Prager on 04 May 2013 - 19:05

OH I understand your point on more then one level.  LOL You too have a good day. 

by Paul Garrison on 04 May 2013 - 19:05

Puppies..... every one has puppies that are the best, but extremely few make the dog I want. Those of you who want a sport dog, pet, pretty dog or a high dollar rug, they are all over the place, but you go find a dog that suites me. You see my standard of dog is way different then any you have owned.  If it were easy I would own a kennel full of them.


by marjorie on 04 May 2013 - 23:05

--- > A shortage of adoptable dogs in San Diego? Unbelievable!

Then let those people get their sorry asses into their cars and drive to the LA area, where GSDS are being SLAUGHTERED, DAILY, in the shelters!!! Downy, Kern, Dogs Inn, Devore,San Bernadino, OC Animal Care, Apple Valley and the list goes on and on. There must be hundreds euthanized every month of ALL ages!!!


by marjorie on 04 May 2013 - 23:05

---> Blitzen, they make a lot of money adopting out dogs.

OMG!!! WTF are you smoking, Joanro????? Making money adopting out dogs???? Maybe the rescues that cherry pick, but REAL RESCUES PUT MAJOR BUCKS INTO THE DOGS THEY RESCUE!!! They do NOT make money!!!! MANY OF THE DOGS TAKEN IN BY RESCUE HAVE BEEN ABUSED, STARVED, ARE HEARTWORM POSITIVE,  and HAVE HORRIBLE COSTLY DISEASES  TO TREAT THAT THEY HAVE PICKED UP IN *SHELTERS* . Quite a few need major surgical procedures and they are simply not disposable just because they are less than perfect. Many need collars cut out of their necks, antibiotics and round the clock care. Your statement was nothing short of completely IGNORANT and TOTALLY OFFENSIVE  to those of us who work in rescue and care about dogs that are less than perfect, through no fault of their own!. ::::::::::::::seething, here:::::::::::: 

by joanro on 05 May 2013 - 00:05

Not completely ignorant, nor ignorant at all. Offensive to you , obviously, but not my intent. Where there is legitimate help provided and effort to find solutions to problems, there are people who will capitalize on the premise and turn it into profit. The key words you mentioned are 'cherry pick'. A trip to the 'shelter' and pick and chose who to adopt, put a couple weeks of training into them, and sell them for a couple hundred bucks adoption fee. It's reality, not something made up to offend you.

Abby Normal

by Abby Normal on 05 May 2013 - 04:05

Paul, I wasn't talking about the type of dog you are looking for. I was talking about puppies in the wider sense of those who do want a nice sport or show dog etc. Of course there are those who need or want to go overseas for what they are looking for, but what I was saying was that when you do want the above, bearing in mind how many people have ended up with something not as described/defective or even nothing at all....it amazes me that they overlook the very good dogs on their doorstep. That was all.  And then there are those in rescue.......if it is not a breeding prospect.

by Gustav on 05 May 2013 - 08:05

When logic sometimes slips into emotion, it is often better to just leave things or threads alone....lol, kinda like a marriage.Regular Smile.


by Sunsilver on 05 May 2013 - 09:05

Joan, well that may be the case in California, which seems to have more unwanted GSDs than anywhere else in the country, but the girl I picked up from a shelter in W. Virginia cost $70, and $40 of that is refundable once I prove she is spayed. (A letter from my vet is on its way. I went in and had her belly shaved, and there was definitely a scar from her spay surgery. )

She was vaccinated, wormed and microchipped by the shelter, and was there for over a month before I pulled her. The $40 the shelter is going to make from her adoption would barely cover food costs let alone medical costs.

And in MY experience, that is typical for MOST rescues and shelters.  The cat I adopted earlier this year for $99 was neutered, wormed, vaccinated AND microchipped. In his case, the neutering alone would have cost me over $100.

by joanro on 05 May 2013 - 12:05

"A shortage of adoptable dogs in San Diego?" Marjorie's response: "Then let those people get their sorry asses into their cars and drive to the LA area,....."
I thought the idea of rescue and spay/neuter, was to not have any more dogs that are homeless ? Therefore a shortage of adoptable dogs would seem to imply success. Then why would the people in an area that has "a shortage of adoptable dogs" be treated with contempt and considered "sorry asses" ?
See, that is why stray dogs/puppies are being imported from other countries and "put up for adoption in the US"; because the apparent hidden agenda is not to eliminate homeless dogs in the US, it's maintain a steady flow of adoptable dogs.....other wise the donations would dry up and the pitiful tv adds would be obsolete.

There is a huge difference between animals in need of "rescue" and animals needing to be "re-homed". That line is being blurred to the point that "cherry picked" dogs/puppies from shelters or imported from other countries are being sold under the umbrella of "rescue".

I have re-homed dogs and I have "rescued" dogs. The dogs I have re-homed were not at death's door or abused or mutilated. Some of the dogs I have rescued, on the other hand were in dire need of life support, food and water and shelter from the elements (freezing rain, and soaked to the skin with icicles hanging from their thin body), flea and tick infested to the point of being anemic. I brought them home with me and took care of them til they were healthy enough to be placed with permanent, responsible owners. No, I have not had one single penny I spent on any rescued dogs reimbursed to me. It was 100% charity from me, for the sake of the poor dogs. And now,sadly, the person who had three of the dogs in this condition has ten or twelve more dogs which are not contained in any fencing, running in the street, run into neighboring pasture chasing and harassing the neighbor's horses, scattering trash and garbage from their 'owner's' house.....all these dogs have been put into this negligent person's possession by the county 'shelter' in the name of *foster home*.


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