Do German Shepherd's shed much? - Page 7

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by Sunsilver on 11 June 2013 - 11:06

Dogs get led in and out (off leash) at my kennel, too. I've only had one dog jump in my face and snap its teeth. It's an insane boxer that's a rescue, and may have been abused. Damn thing scared the crap out of me the first time it happened. I was trying to get him to go back into his kennel, and he got half-way there, then balked. I didn't even touch him: just sort of drew myself up straight and used body language to say 'no, I don't want you to get past me.', and he went totally nuts!

After that, he went in a cage with a guillotine door...  They leak cold air in the wintertime and increase my heating bills, but they have their uses!

Jim, this dog is your patrol dog, right?  Well, I'd say you've got what you need for the job!  I can't imagine a police dog taking corrections from anyone but you or (maybe) another officer!

When i worked for the vet, we had a dog come in for grooming from Kingston Penitentiary.  He nailed the vet, and even his handler had to go home and get his uniform on before the dog could be safely handled.  I was VERY glad that I didn't have to work with that dog!


by supakamario on 11 June 2013 - 11:06

furminator worth the $$$???


by LadyFrost on 11 June 2013 - 14:06

i use furmigator during spring time only, when i cant take the slow shedding anymore, it works great on rear end and neck (be aware that it will cut/break guard hairs along with pulling under coat)....but i also use rake brush and cat brush..rake on the back, sides, cat brush on the belly, legs and inside my opinion it is worth it..there should be tons of posts on the topic in archives, i bought mine after reading other people posts of pros and cons...


by supakamario on 11 June 2013 - 17:06

i dont know how to use site that well, how do i fin d furminator archive post


by Sunsilver on 11 June 2013 - 18:06

Mario. look at the menu bar at the top of this thread. On the far left, there's a button that says "search forum'. Just click on it, and enter 'furminator'.

I find rakes are best for getting out mats, and combing the neck ruff and trousers at the back of the legs. The furminator is best for the medium length areas of the coat, and if you go gently, very few of the guard hairs will be damaged. As a matter of fact, when I first started using it, I made a point of examining what came off the coat. It was almost all undercoat, and the few guard hairs I found all had the roots, so they had shed out rather than being broken off by the furminator blade.

A slicker brush works best on the thin areas of the coat, but you have to be very gentle. Ranger hates having his flank area done, and will let me know if I'm being too rough with the brush by snapping at me. It's just a warning...his teeth never touch me. Guess he doesn't like me getting so close to his boy bits!  Omg Smile


by dragonfry on 11 June 2013 - 23:06

A lot of people go crazy with the furminator and strip the dog naked. It's can also scratch the skin to the point where the dog bleeds. Use one gently. You might be better off using a coat rakke to de-bulk and then a slicker to remove loose coat. But that shampoo and conditioner will make your job much easier.


by ggturner on 12 June 2013 - 13:06

My gsds let me vacuum them and they love it.  


by Ryanhaus on 12 June 2013 - 16:06

Jutta Hipp is all brushed out, she got thinner looking, even her legs shed a whole bunch!!!!Teeth Smile

She's one happy girl!!!Shades Smile


by LadyFrost on 13 June 2013 - 12:06

I received my shampoo, conditioner and finishing spray yesterday....woohoo..
My dogs have already been brushed with furmigator, rake and cat brush earlier this week but during yesterdays wash fur was still coming out and like someone here said you literally get fur gloves, so this product does what it said it would do....and if anything this stuff smelled amazing, none of that wet dog smell and this morning fur was super soft and silky, but with noticeable loose hair all over so more brushing to do tonight to get what is loose off and gone....for the price and results this stuff is totally worth it... 
I paid $34.00 for a package deal which includes s&h.
Thank you for the recommendation!
4 clean dogs later....


by dragonfry on 13 June 2013 - 14:06

Since you have 4 dogs I'd say invest in a small power dryer. You can pick up some of the small one's for just over $100. And you will be amazed at how fast you can get out the dead coat and get the dog dry. I have one i picked up second hand from a friend that had a fire at her shop and it still works 10 years later.  And added bonus you can do a dry blow out on the coat just to get dead hair off the dogs.
But in the mean time see if there are any "Do it yourself" shop around and go power dry the dogs. Even if they are dry from yesterday. You won't need the brushes when your done.
Glad you like this stuff. It's one of the best thing my little sister ever gave me, a sample set to try at my grooming shop.


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