Simple pedigree chart for Baxter vom Haus Galleneder (3261006)

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Simple pedigree chart for V Baxter vom Haus Galleneder IGP1

V Baxter vom Haus Galleneder IGP1
V Casper Midollyk BH/VT, IGP3, SVV1
V Pikko Polícia-Slovakia VS-1
V Carlo zur Krombach SCHH 3, IPO 3
(SZ2128119 (SUCHNO 58471/08/08))
SG Aly am Brenkelberg SCHH3, IPO3
Ginga von der Karlsbergquelle SCHH3 IPO3 AD
G Gitana von Karthago SCHH3 IPO3 FH1
SG Maxi von Karthago SCHH3
SG Salexa Polícia-Slovakia SVV1
SG Hax Policia IPO3, SchH1, H-3
SG Chanel od Hradu Drahotuch SVV1, IPO1
(CMKU27792/96 (SUCHNO 33342/98/98))
SG Nirza Polícia-Slovakia SVV1
V Faro Policia SVV1
(SUCHNO33797/98/00 (AKC DL89958301))
Zamba Policia SVV1
SG Barby Anazus IPO3, SVV1
V Drago Eqidius IPO3, SVV1, SCHH3
SG Nash vom Lisdorferland SCHH3, IPO3, (3XBSP)
SG Zena vom Lisdorferland SCHH3, IPO3, FH1
V Nike Egidius SCHH3, IPO3, SVV1
G Arne Egidius SVV2, IPO3, SCHH3
SG Dolly Durko-Slovakia SVV1
SG Honza Okal IPO 3, SCH3, ZVV2, WUSV
(SUCHNO 35351/98/00)
SG Betty Egidius CS IPO1
SG Laura Durko SVV1
Ema Durko SVV1
(SUCHNO 24681/93/95)
SG Bora z Kanaričieho dvora BH/VT, SVV1, IGP1
SG Grand Eqidius SVV3
SG Passat Eqidius IPO3, IGP3, SVV1
V Drago Eqidius IPO3, SVV1, SCHH3
V Nike Egidius SCHH3, IPO3, SVV1
SG Veronika Eqidius SVV1, IPO3, FH2
G Jenny Eqidius SVV1
SG Quela Eqidius SVV1
SG Igor Aritar Bastet SVV1
(CMKU78925/10 (SUCHNO 63910)(AKC DN44365501))
SG Tanja Aritar Bastet ZVV1
SG Cara Eqidius SVV1
G Jenny Eqidius SVV1
SG Bora z Kurtovej skaly SVV1
SG Kato Aritar Bastet CZ WORKING CH, IPO3, FCI & WUSV 2013
SG Apo vom Schopperweg SCHH3
SG Jenny von der Guga-Insel SCHH3
SG Coletta Aritar Bastet SCHH/VPG 3, ZVV1, FPR1
V Prema Aritar Bastet IPO3, SCHH3, FPR3, ZVV1, ZPS1, ZPO1, FH2
G Aischa Eqidius SVV1
V Sid vom Haus Pixner SCHH3 (SG-BSP) FH2 LGA-SIEGER
G Mary vom Haus Pixner IPO1
G Kora Eqidius SVV1
SG Nancy Eqidius SVV1
(SUCHNO41452/01/03 (CMKU/65507-07/01/07))


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