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German Shepherd DogVA2(I), VA3(US) Solo von Frutteto SCHH3Für den Deutschen Schäferhund „Solo von Frutteto“ SZNr. 2056283 wird ab dem 09.07.2004 eine Decksperre verhängt. Banned from breeding starting 09.07.2004 No further Information/Details given! ....19.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA5 Nero vom Nöbachtal SCHH3He's listed as Stud on Karl Moser's Web Site, has been for a long time now. You'd think that if anything was the matter with him, Herr Moser would indicate so or remove Nero's post. ....19.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogV Uso vom Ochsentor SCHH3Is this dog still alive and if so, who owns this dog? ....19.5 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA5 Nero vom Nöbachtal SCHH3Does that effect Nero progeny sired after September 2004 or ALL progeny? What will become of ALL of those dogs? Suppose I owned a Nero pup (which I don’t) and I had this pup imported to the US and already registered with the AKC – will the AKC enforce/support the SV’s decision? How did the SV learn that Nero had an Operative Eingriff? ....19.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA2(I), VA3(US) Solo von Frutteto SCHH3No explanation by the SV and I WOULD LIKE TO URGE EVERYONE NOT TO MAKE ANY ASSUMPTIONS either! ....19.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA3 Esko vom Dänischen Hof SCHH3Wenn's doch aber stimmt! Ich mag Esko, aber viele Amerikaner konnen kein Deutsch lesen und Ich hab mich ja nicht gewagt irgendwelche Grunde zu erfinden fur warum da eine Deckspeere ist. Tut mir leid aber ... it's public record! ....19.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA3 Esko vom Dänischen Hof SCHH3Für den Deutschen Schäferhund „Esko vom Dänischen Hof“ SZ-Nr. 1998887 wird für den Zeitraum vom 09.07.2004 bis 08.10.2004 eine Decksperre verhängt. Banned from breeding starting 09.07.2004 until 08.10.2004 ....19.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogV Drake vom Kirchenwald SchH3'DeVil' doesn't sound Korean or Asian ....20.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA3 Esko vom Dänischen Hof SCHH3Nope, no explanation was given by the SV and I WOULD LIKE TO URGE EVERYONE NOT TO MAKE ANY ASSUMPTIONS as to the reason for this ban, either! ....19.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA5 Nero vom Nöbachtal SCHH3I’m absolutely fascinated by this dog and impressed by his progeny! Hemophilia - Blood Clotting Disorder (a disorder linked to a recessive gene on the X-chromosome and occurring almost exclusively in males, in which the blood clots much more slowly than normally, resulting in extensive bleeding from even minor injuries) ....19.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA5 Nero vom Nöbachtal SCHH3I have no access to the Decknachrichten Data Suppose the SV will provide more detail as to why and how they reached this decision or what was done to/with Nero? Out of curiosity: If there is something wrong with Nero, why would anyone want to breed to him, in Taiwan or elsewhere? May I assume that if ever a dog produced out of Nero, after September 04, is brought back to Germany, he will not be eligible for registration with the SV or participation in any Show? Who SOLD him to Taiwan? ....19.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogV Falco vom Güldenen Winkel BUNDESSIEGER 2004 SCHH3 IPO3 FH11st Place BSP 04 in Oberhausen Congrats to Handler Helmut Raiser ....19.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogV Drake vom Kirchenwald SchH3Where may I find Korean Sieger-show Results? ....20.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogPatria Cromontana SCHH1SV Judge & Kormeister Joachim Bratke Berlin Brandenburg LG02 don't know his his registered Kennel Name (if any!) ....20.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogIdor vom Acholshäuser BurgwegSV-INFORMATIONEN Juli 2003 Nachzucht aus diesem Hund kann im Zuchtbuch des SV keine Aufnahme finden wegen mittlere Hüftgelenksdysplasie ....20.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA3 Leif von der Noriswand SCHH3Martin and Double B are discussing the 2-2 Linebreeding of a dog in VA Leif von der Noriswand’s Pedigree, Which no one was aware of at the time the Pup (Leif von der Noriswand) was whelped, as a Dog other than the actual sire was registered as the sire of this Litter. The mistake was not found out until Leif placed VA3. Martin asks whether Leif had been banned from breeding to which Double B response that to the best of his knowledge, the Breeder and Owner had to pay for changes to Leif’s Pedigree but the Dog had not been banned. ....20.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA1 Visum von Arminius SCHH3, FH, BHP1Yeah, maybe Visum's Owner thought that Visum proformed so poorly that after the V120 placing, he went home and worked the dog to the bone! I do not know whether you are suggesting that politics had anything to do with Visum's VA4, but ... I think that's a bit far fetched! ....20.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA2 (KOREA) Max de la Ferme Malgre L'eau SCHH 2Der „W-Wurf vom Lachenerweg“ muss aus dem Zuchtbuch des SV gestrichen und die Ahnentafeln für ungültig erklärt werden, da aufgrund einer DNA-Analyse eines Hundes dieses Wurfes festgestellt wurde, dass der angegebene Vaterrüde „Max de la Ferme Malgre L’eau SZ 2025791“ nicht der Vater dieses Hundes ist. Die Abstammung kann nicht geklärt werden. W-Wurf „vom Lachenerweg“, Wurftag: 27.06.1999 SZ 2052806-2052811 Waldo, Wicko, Wally, Wanja, Wanny, Wilma Züchter: Jochen Janz, Hans- Böckler-Str. 62, 67454 Haßloch Die nachstehenden Ahnentafeln werden für ungültig erklärt: SZ 2052806 Waldo vom Lachenerweg SZ 2052807 Wicko vom Lachenerweg SZ 2052808 Wally vom Lachenerweg SZ 2052809 Wanja vom Lachenerweg SZ 2052810 Wanny vom Lachenerweg SZ 2052811 Wilma vom Lachenerweg or DNA testing confirms that „Max de la Ferme Malgre L’eau SZ 2025791“ is not the sire of the Lacherweg bred W Litter! Paternity could not be established, SV Papers of the W Litter are void. ....20.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogDanka vom KammbergI'm looking to find the previous Owner of this Bitch! Since the Original Ahnentafel (Pink Papers) were not furnished by the Seller at the time of delivery, it is quiet difficult to determine who is actually on record as Owner of this Dog with the SV. AKC has no Record of this dog, so I assume that no attempt was made to register her with the AKC since she was imported - I would like to learn if that is due to a lack of enthusiasm or due to insufficient documentation! Thank You ....20.3 years ago
German Shepherd DogHektor v Braunschweiger Wappen SCHH3, FH, HGHHektor and Hector appear to be the same dog, Hector being the correct spelling of his Name! I do not believe that the SV would permit for two dogs, out of the same litter, to be named almost completly alike! ....20.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA3(CHINA) Urban von Aducht SCHH 3 FH 145.000€ indeed! I received an e-mail in reply to a message I'd posted for a friend of mine who's looking for a dog! I was not trying to be funny nor do I have a problem, I'd forward the message to you but your e-mail address is not listed! ....20.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA3(CHINA) Urban von Aducht SCHH 3 FH 1He's for sale for 45.000€ ....20.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogV Rio vom Ochsentor SCHH 3I actually got to click the 'submit changes button' after adding Dux to Rio's Pedigree, hope that the change will take effect soon! ....20.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogV Ulk vom Moorbeck SCHH 3Well Philip, it would appear as though someone dog-napped your pooch while you were on the Computer, and is selling him now as the dog on Lutz Tresper's Web Site ( is defenitly Ulk v. Moorbeck! ....20.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogToska vom TrompetersprungIs this color for real or has the photo been edited? ....20.8 years ago


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