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by raymond on 12 April 2010 - 16:04

so this ddr posted that they would not post here again as as they continue to prove that they are nothing more than liars and now I learn that they are responsible for mistreatment of a whole bunch of dogs1Well like I said in the beginning of this post which for some strange reason mine was deleted! ddr you are a lying piece of dung! I can only call it as I see it! You said goodbye and still rtemain ! I guess even this piece of dung site does not want the truth posted! Anyone that mistreats or allows it needs to be put to sleep! All they wanted was the drama ! It is sad that such a noble animal as the gsd has to put up with shit heads like that!


by DDR-DSH on 12 April 2010 - 17:04

Yes, Moons.. Too much drama!

I am getting a lot of positive feedback on my personal mail, and on rethinking the matter, I have decided to stay. It's too important to get the word out, and there needs to be some alternatives and intelligence in the discourse, not just about who is the better dog-mommy, and "OMG, how could you?"  OK.. Well, I don't suppose it would matter to anyone that I spent a good $20,000 of my own money harboring two BLM mustangs for many years, either. I'm just a bad person.. no matter what else I've done wrong. Talk about simplistic thinking! It's just too bad that the ankle-biters tend to run the dialogue, here on this board, but really, it's important to offer some other opinions, too..

After getting one PM from someone about the California anti-ferret law, I wrote the following, which some of you may find interesting..

The anti-ferret laws in California were written and supported by the poultry industry here, many years ago. Mink and ferrets, stouts and the like will kill for the pure enjoyment of it. If one gets into a hen house, it won't stop until it's killed as many birds as it can. This was the concern, but it gets worse..

The same poultry industry many years ago also supported laws to force all bird importers to go through quarantine, which is VERY long and expensive.. unbelievable what they have to go through. The wish was to prevent the import of Newcastle disease, which could wipe out entire poultry farms and shut down the industry on a regional or state wide basis. I used to know a bird importer named Ed, and he was such a nice guy, a self made businessman and doing quite well, until this happened. He actually volunteered to help the state ag department set up their program. In the end, it broke him, financially. He went out of business, deeply in debt, and took his own life with a gun, after incurring MORE debt in a failed desperate attempt to gamble himself out of trouble. Another bird quarantine not far from me also closed down, and birds are still coming into the state, but they are basically all smuggled in, now. So, the overuse of rules to prevent a problem that might have been better controlled by reasonable efforts, is now completely without any regulation and everything has been driven underground in the import of birds. A few years ago, we had a big break of Newcastle and it caused a lot of economic damage.. although most of this damage was probably the result of poultry kill offs which may not have even been infected!

This shows how well intended laws can go terribly wrong. There are many such examples, and these are just a few. The overall tenor is that there are so many regulations now in California that no one can make a profit doing anything here, anymore. School and church cafeterias which fed many tens of thousands of good hot meals to kids over the years have been shut down, because they can't afford to make the required updates to equipment, and they can't afford the ten thousand dollar fines (10K and up). I looked into operating a catering truck and decided it was not worth it. This time, I did the research before getting into a business! Technically, the office coffee pot is illegal, unless someone is there who has a food safety operator's license to tend to it! A local AA club used to have pancake breakfasts for members, once in awhile, and they had to stop. Too many regulations!


by mollyandjack on 12 April 2010 - 17:04



by DDR-DSH on 12 April 2010 - 17:04

Schaferhunden, this whole board is full of dog pimps. Look at all the advertising! Puppies, puppies, puppies, stud service and imports, bred bitches for sale.. What are you talking about? Fact.. I advertised ONE bitch as a training / working prospect and I don't sell puppies to the public. I've had two litters in a little over a year, and ten years with nothing before that. This is probably all for me for the next two or three years, and only if I move.

My best advice would be that no one sells a good puppy or dog into the state of California, where it will probably be wasted. Everything is going mandatory S/N here.

I do feel like a dope that I ever listened to the "no kill" arguments. Obviously, I should have just euthanized my older dogs and ones that got passed over. I actually know of a very well known and respected USA judge who has euthanized perfectly healthy pups, because he could not get the minimum $1,000 price he was looking for. He said he was not going to let them go for less, because it would hurt his prices, later on. I, on the other hand, do NOT euthanize dogs which are a burden to me, and I become a scapegoat and person of contempt. This is proof that the NO KILL people are wrong, and that they have two standards.. one for themselves and one for everyone else. You're damned if you do, and damned if you don't.. can't win in the dog game, anyway you go.


by 4pack on 12 April 2010 - 17:04


by hodie on 12 April 2010 - 17:04

OK, this is going to be my last post on this topic, and on this board. Shame on ANY one of you who think that you can get some benefit from dealing with this sick, pathetic person. There is nothing for me to gain to post this. I do not have DDR dogs and never will. Some of you are fence sitters. Some of you think it is ok to not speak out against people in our own breed who do things like this. And then you wonder why there are out cries. This is my personal experience. READ IT AND WEEP, if only for the dogs she has now. This is NOT about anything she writes about. IT IS ABOUT COMMON DECENCY AND SOMEONE WHO IS SO DELUSIONAL SHE WOULD DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO CONTINUE WHAT SHE IS DOING.

This DDR-DSH person, Janice Bartmess, is someone that I ran into many years ago. Until someone brought it to my attention this past weekend, I had noted the screen name and I recall thinking about it as if I recognized the name. But at the moment, I did not.

Several days ago someone Pmed me and told me that DDR had dogs who were living in a living hell. Also, this person mentioned Jenni78 or whatever her name is was getting a lot of harassment from Janice. I had never looked at the particular thread mentioned, so I went and read it. Then I realized that DDR was Janice. If you read the thread, you will see that Janice was at first complimentary and seemingly interested in using Jenn's dog for stud. Jenni, for whatever reason was judicious about that and was less than enthusiastic. Janice suddenly became nasty to her and it went downhill from there. Apparently Janice was also emailing privately and Jenn had already figured out who she was and that she is a nut case. The PM I received was from someone else, perhaps a friend of Jenns (I don't know who either of them are) and intimated that Janice had dogs now who were being neglected or abused and wanted me to do something about it. I questioned this person thoroughly and asked on what basis they made the accusation. It turns out that Janice apparently tried to sell a pup, met a friend of the writer at a neutral location, and the condition of the pup was such that they were concerned. The person writing me was not there. So the bottom line was that I said that though I had personal knowledge of Janice Bartmess (which I will explain below) that 1) what was being said to me was hearsay and 2) that only someone there witnessing neglect or abuse could do anything about it and I suggested that IF they had proof, they contact the authorities. It was at that time that Janice posted the thread "Goodbye" and it made little sense, but I supposed the heat was somehow on her and she knew that Jenn and some others knew who she was and she was bailing. Then came the posts saying how sorry people were to see her leaving etc. That is when I posted what I did.

by hodie on 12 April 2010 - 17:04

 Continued from above:

My experience with her is this: About 10 years ago, before I got heavily involved in SchH, I was reading a lot of listserves. Janice posted on one of them that she was placing dogs and her pleas became more and more desperate. So since I was doing GSD rescue, I emailed her eventually. She wanted me to come to CA to take several dogs or they would be put down. One was a young show line female that I later found out Johannes Grewe had bred and through another cronie of his, had traded to Bartmess. In any case, I did not hop at this because I was in another state. She started emailing me several times a day, some posts I simply did not get because she was lost in space, and eventually, I decided what the heck. I would make a trip to CA and get these dogs and bring them into my rescue. So I drove out there.

When I arrived, I arrived at a house, a very tiny house, in a beat up area of Gardena. It was obvious that there were dogs in the back because of the incredible amount of barking. I could not see into the back yard because of a huge solid fence. The door was opened by a Hispanic woman who could not speak English, and as I was walking back to my car, a vehicle drove up with Janice in it.

She then went into the back, would not allow me to go with her, and brought out one female, the show line female. I was absolutely stunned by the condition of the dog. She was emaciated and I mean emaciated and clearly had not been fed properly for months. The poor dog was caked in feces, dried, and smelled so badly I knew I could not put this dog in my vehicle. Her eyes were zombie expression. The dog was essentially dead in her soul. I also noted she has terrible ear infections and urine scalds all over her belly. Janice said nothing about it, not even to make any excuse, as if she did not even see this condition. I was so shocked I did not know what to do. I could not believe someone who was telling everyone on the listserve how she loved her dogs could bring a dog out in this condition. She did say she had placed the others, which seemingly was not true.

To make a long story short, I got a hose and rinsed the dog off for about an hour, dried her with my own towel as best I could, decided I had to take this dog, and left. I went about a mile down the road and stopped at a car wash and washed the dog for more than 30 minutes using my shampoo. I had trouble keeping her from drinking the water. I also fed her as I had brought along Donni and Thor, and the poor dog was so ravenous I was afraid she would choke. It cost me almost $1,000 to clear the ear infections, and months and months to bring this dog back to health.

It was only later that I learned Janice had been arrested for abuse and neglect of the dogs. I actually requested and got court records long ago and read them, but probably don't still have a copy. It was pathetic and the conditions described matched what condition the dog was in that I took from her. In the meantime, I had driven to NM, where Johannes was judging a trial at Oliver's place, and I took the dog with me to show him how bad a shape she was in. He looked at her and said little except that he was glad I had the dog. He too knew of Janice Bartmess however, as I could see this in his face.

So, when I saw this shit going on the PDB, I went back and found the case and posted my posts. I am so distressed that she is apparently back at it, and that some people cannot see though all of this. That, plus the general crap of people posting wanting to know what others think of their breeding dogs without health checks, the continual shit with certain people.

by hodie on 12 April 2010 - 17:04

 Continued from above:

I hope this explanation helps you understand what all went on this weekend. Someone posted an email where Janice is talking about changing a diaper on an elderly person. I don't know if it is her husband or someone else, but based on her history, and what she wrote in that post, I would be concerned for the elderly person's welfare. Janice really is a nut case and she is also too smart to give out such information to anyone. That is why she is selling pups now and meeting people at storage units etc.
She works with other DDR breeders who KNOW about this and STILL do business with her because they have no character and want to benefit from it. 

I am done here. There are so few people with any ethics anymore. That, in the end, will be the downfall of all of us and will fuel the fires of the now active AR people. NO AR people were involved in this years ago. But it makes for a good story. I suppose next she will write a novel and all the suckers who think this is about individual freedom will buy it.

Makes me puke.

by hodie on 12 April 2010 - 17:04

One last thing,

To whomever sent me threatening emails I would strongly suggest you not do it again. 


by Bhaugh on 12 April 2010 - 17:04

I wasn't going to post but I really think there needs to be some sort of system where someone like DDR who has been CONVICTED OF A CRIME AGAINST DOGS be REMOVED FROM THE LIST.  Anyone who rescues knows the difficulty of even getting an abuser looked at by authorities and these people were found guilty. Why should anyone who is unsuspecting (like myself when this whole thing started) have to even put up with DDR?

There are alot of really good people on here and some real sickos (as now I can see). Why should they be allowed to stay?


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