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by eichenluft on 14 January 2010 - 20:01

I didn't charge her a cent.  I asked her to clean kennels in exchange for the $72 per DAY it was worth for me to keep her dogs in the boarding kennel, using up 4 runs that I can get $18/day for by filling them with paying clients.  Shelley did clean kennels in exchange for board - one hour of easy work per day worth $72 - not too shabby a deal, I'd say.    It was only when she made so many serious mistakes that jeopardized not only the dogs I am responsible for, but my own reputation, business license, and even home (if someone's dog got eaten by my own dog because of a gate left open that is NEGLIGENCE and I would be responsible for it, not Shelley) - that I 'fired' her and then started charging her for board per day.  She got PLENTY of chances, she made LOTS of serious mistakes and bad choices before I was finally at the end of my rope. 

and as for charging board for the co-owned female - tell me why I should keep, board, feed,  supplement, exercise, care for, groom, clean kennel for, etc - a dog for someone as a part of an agreement to split the litter, when the other party backs out on the agreement?  Just 'cause I should?  


by xinerb on 14 January 2010 - 20:01

Quote"..."acts of kindness which sadly turn into a big pain in the ass!"

Doesn't have to be that way,  simple thank-you and acknowledgment  to people that help plus being honest and repaying what is owed goes a long way.

Why does Molly have to be the bad guy/gal in this? What is wrong with giving someone the option of renting for cash or barter? Sounds rather decent if you ask me.  Working in a kennel is not complicated, but it's work.

let's see, "I'm is a tight spot, I have several dogs, someone has a place I can stay but its not free, however I can be the kennel help in lieu of cash"  I'm sorry, where is this wrong unless Shelly is not capable of making her own decisions???

PS: It's been a while since I read the play , but  I recall they came and took Blanche away when she lost it after Stanley assaults her, not a happy ending.............

by beetree on 14 January 2010 - 20:01

Molly you "shouldn't" do anything you don't want to do. A "friend" just would have done it, probably for nothing, or maybe just kibble. There is no doubt to why you are a successful business woman. No fault there. Did you actually have to turn away paying customers to accommodate Shelley and her dogs? Just curious.

by eichenluft on 14 January 2010 - 20:01

Let's see a show of hands - who else offered Shelley and her animals a place to stay when she needed one?  For 5 months?  Come on out, all of you other people who were so ready to help in such a way. 

I offered a place for Shelley to live and board her MANY dogs who are extremely high-maintenance.  I did not expect Shelley to pay me until she could.  I did expect Shelley to make at least an attempt to pay me back via the easy work I offered to her in exchange for rent/board - working off board she did - working off rent she refused to do even after more than a few offers.  From the beginning she promised to pay me rent/utilities when she could.  I do not have money trees growing here.  I work for my living, and I work hard.  I have a mortgage to pay, a truck payment, oil bill, electric, phone, trash, and living expenses for me and my dogs,  just like everyone else does.  I do not have a husband to pay bills for me.  I do have an apartment that helps pay the mortgage when I have someone living in it - and I do have a boarding kennel which usually pays my basic bills.  I rely on these things to make a living and pay for what I owe.  Helping a friend is something I will always be willing to do -  being taken advantage of by said friend is not something I am willing to do for very long. 
In fact I was warned by more than a few people, about taking her into my home and life.  "She's a taker, watch out" - heard that many times.  I disregarded.  I won't in the future.

I did for Shelley what I would not expect anyone to do for me - and what NOONE else on this board or ANYWHERE ELSE was willing to do for her.  You people talk a lot - sending a check to a paypal account is a good deed and you can pat yourself on the back for doing that - but I'm the one who actually did something.  I'm not sorry I did it.  I'd do it again for a friend in need or even for a stranger in need, but am smarter and will be much more careful in the future.


by xinerb on 14 January 2010 - 20:01


why don't you extend that to anyone who gave material support,

did beetree send $$$ for gas money?????

by Don Dildo on 14 January 2010 - 20:01

"as this boarding kennel does, gives a discount for more than one dog" 

Per your own information, that only applies IF multiple dogs can be boarded in a single run.  You have no idea whether this could have been done with Shelley's dogs.

And it appears you missed the part where Molly explained that in addition to offering Shelley free rent if Shelley would clean the kennels and yards, she also offered Shelley free use of the kennel runs if Shelley would do some light maintenance work around the place for a couple hours per day. 

To me, that's a damned good deal - do a few hours of work a day, and not only live somewhere for free but do so at the significant expense of the host (which Molly also explained - that having Shelley's dogs there meant losing income from the dog runs they used, as having Shelley herself there meant losing the apartment income).  I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing I could run MY household off of three hours per day of low-skill work around the yard, with the rest of the day free to do as I pleased.

So you are very very lucky to have such "better friends" who would let you hang around their homes doing next to nothing while costing them something along the lines of $2,500 a month in income.  I know I certainly don't have any "better friends" who would let me get away with something like that.  Nor would I ever expect them too, either - because then what kind of "better friend" would I be myself, to milk friendships like that?


by raymond on 14 January 2010 - 20:01

waz up Moons  Dentist or more precisely oral surgeon? Yea I just got back from VA hospital! Doctor ask if anyone in my family suffered from mental disease? I said no we find it enjoyable ! they say I can get my prescriptions for 8 bucks apiece for 30 days so I can drop my prescription coverage! will save me 150.00 per month! Oh Boy women and old men do not need to get pissed off at each other ! Why can't we just get along! I was under the impression that Shelly moved back in with her husband untill the divorce was final! It sucks to go thru that.

by Don Dildo on 14 January 2010 - 20:01

 "A 'friend' just would have done it, probably for nothing, or maybe just kibble."

For five months?  Can I be YOUR friend and mooch off you for five months - or even better, indefinitely?  In exchange, I'll mow your lawn once a month.  And put out the trash barrels.  Maybe.  When I feel like it.  

by Russ on 14 January 2010 - 20:01

We have opened up our home to people in the past, some stayed for a short time, some needed much longer.  Some worked out well and a couple were a disaster in the making.  All of them cost us money, just various degrees.

Even the ones that did not work out I can not imagine going on the internet and villifiying someone so publically. I could not imagine calling their dogs or children non breed worthy and filthy.

As always Molly, your supporters will keep your halo intact and well polished for you while your detractors compare you to the spawn of satan.  Nothing new, just a different co star this time.

Whatever the situation is you will sleep in a warm bed tonight and have a meal on your table.  You can continue to distance yourself from a breeding you need to sign off on and physically assisted with saying that it's Shelly that needed the money and you just happen to have her sign a contract.

Just let it go.  You are safe, you are warm, you are secure. 

You won.


by BabyEagle4U on 14 January 2010 - 20:01

I offered her a place here in PA .. all she had to do was mow 16 acres of grass every week. LOL

Ohh well, I would have prefered a long-term anyhows... some single dude has it now. I can't wait to see him on that John Deere. LOL

I seen him checkin out the horse barns, he looks like he has some horse sense.

Beautiful day today !!

... maybe it was the outhouse she didn't like.  LOL

Seriously though, this thread pisses me off .. we have Ray Ray and Tess doing their usual, same block choppin' ... can't someone just post a Political thread. 

Where eva she's at I hope she knows what's she doing. 


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