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Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 07 November 2007 - 19:11

If you guys knew 1 yr. old Beckett you'd understand why he wan't part of Jackie and Carl's wedding ceremony. Ha ha ha.



by Kalibeck on 07 November 2007 - 22:11

Hey Shelley! Yes, he's a handful, but I love him anyway! He decided to 'protect' me from my winter coat that I broke out of storage today! I put it on as we were going outside for the morning walk, & when he turned around & saw the coat, (a big old bulky thing)  he froze for a minute, sizing up the situation, & then sprang into action to save me from the evil coat. He ran up to me, with this intense look on his face, grabbed my sleeve, (bad arm, of course), & began to tug. Now I know you know what a determined SOB a workingline GSD with a full hard grip can be when he decides to pull something! Beckett pulled on that sleeve until he nearly pulled it off, arm & all! DOES NOT OUT! 'Course, it would have helped if I could have stopped myself from laughing my ass off! He finally stopped when I got it together enough to say 'sit'! Could you imagine what he would have done to my sleevelees, strapless wedding gown??? It would not have been pretty!  jackie harris

Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 07 November 2007 - 22:11

Beckett is definately the goofiest one in the litter. He might never have lived to see his first birthday around here, at least not in the house. He's lucky he has you. Let me know when you are healed enough to come over and start teaching him some manners and obedience. I have a pinch collar with his name all over it.



Shepherd Woman

by Shepherd Woman on 11 November 2007 - 18:11

Ok, I know that we have some new people on this site.  I've seen em post, lol.  Let's keep this puppy going and get more involved.  It's been great to read about all of you and finally get to know some of you through your words, even though we can't see your faces.  Oli???????? Is there a chance to add a page off of the database to put our pictures up so we know who we are talking to?  Just a thought.  Don't know if it's been brought up before.  I think it would be awesome.  Come on peeps, keep posting 

by LEWLY on 11 November 2007 - 19:11

Im Lisa 44 female in southern delaware,I work in a cardiac cath lab. im divorced with a significant other of 8 yrs. Two boys 1 grandson. We physically built our own house on 6 acres, lots to finish. I have one female shep who was a rescue. I lost my male working line in July and I am devastated still. I have looked into getting another one but I think i should commit myself instead. Is it normal to be like this over a dog? I would like to learn and participate in search and rescue work but i havent found out much info in my area. I had my first shepherd for 14yrs.

Shepherd Woman

by Shepherd Woman on 11 November 2007 - 19:11

Welcome to the database LEWLY.  Sorry to hear about your loss : - {  It will get better though.  Yes it is normal to feel like that after the loss of one of our dogs.  We would all feel the same way!

by LEWLY on 11 November 2007 - 20:11

Thanks shep woman, Part of me really says get another one and move on the other part says i never want to feel like this again. He was my first working line very intelligent but aggresive too, This is where I need advice and training help. I feel really confused when I look at all the ads for pups, for those of us who dont have as much knowledge its overwhelming. I loved my boy with all my heart, I took him to obedience school, socialized him, was affectionate with him, but he would bite in a heartbeat. I want to be a good in control owner but I"m not sure of how to go about it there is just so much difference in traing and so forth


by Renofan2 on 11 November 2007 - 22:11


It is definately normal they way you are feeling about the recent loss of your gsd.  I too lost my gsd early this year - just shy of her 14 birthday.  I didn't think I would be able to feel the same bond with another dog, but have found myself getting closer to my 21 month old female since I started working her more in ob, protection and tracking.  Definately get another - it will be different, but still worth the effort.  Time will help with your loss, but unfortunately, I don't think it ever goes away completely.

Also, K9SAR does Search and Rescue with her dogs.  She is in NJ and I train with her on Monday nights in PA.  Last week she showed a couple of us how to train in cadavar searches and can provide you with a wealth of information if you want to get into Search and rescue.

Also, you can find wonderful help on this board in helping you locate your next pup.  Just let everyone know what you are looking for and what you would like to do with your pup.  I am sure there will be alot of people with good advice to help you out.


by LEWLY on 11 November 2007 - 23:11

Thank you I'l wait a little longer before i commit myself


by Kalibeck on 12 November 2007 - 00:11

Lewly, there used to be an old fashioned saying, 'Your hearts not breaking, it's stretching so it can hold more love', but it sure hurts, whatever  it is. Welcome to the PDB. Hope you get another pup, another workingline little land 'gator! I have a showline & a workline line, they're both devils, but I love them. My workingline is a special kind of boy,  as you surely noted from the posts above!

Shephard Woman----coming up on 10,000 views!!!! Holy cow!!!! Who'd a thunk it??? jackie harris


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