OT: The "O" factor: The most powerful person in the US - Page 6

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by Blitzen on 31 October 2008 - 23:10

Geez, Ninja, if every man who served as President were indicted for lying, I think those names would make a very long list.


by Ninja181 on 31 October 2008 - 23:10

Here is a link to the NY Times article of Oprah endorsing Obama.




by Ninja181 on 31 October 2008 - 23:10


Here is what you posted!

"Go figure, Sue, Clinton has impeachment charges filed against him partially due to his having had sex in the White House"

I posted that he was impeached because he lied to a grand jury, merely because that is why he was impeached, not over sex.

Now you just posted this:

"Geez, Ninja, if every man who served as President were indicted for lying, I think those names would make a very long list".

My only point was to mention WHY he was impeached. I'm sure all of the presidents have lied at some time or another. However Mr. Clinton just happened to get caught lying after he was sworn in and testifying to a grand jury so shame on him.

by Blitzen on 01 November 2008 - 00:11

OK, gotcha. I was sort of joking you know.


by wuzzup on 01 November 2008 - 00:11

black backs black.. i was suprised the big o did not back hillary.that tells the story as far as i can see i no longer watch the big O really never did .that just shows where her head is at .in her ass!


by windwalker18 on 01 November 2008 - 00:11

I tend to make my own mind up about who I support, and quite honestly had no idea that Oprah had supported Obama... of all the endorsements for him the one that I feel carried real weight was Colin Powell...  A MILITARY man, a former BUSH person back in the Daddy's day...  who said while McCain was a good man, and had done well by his constituants in the Senate; He lacks the judgment, foresight, and energy to lead the  country out of the mess that it's currently in. He also felt that McCain's choice for VP showed poor judgement.  With all the choices in the Rep.party... certainly is cause to question his wisdom.   I mean if McCain wanted someone with clout and leadership abilitys why not ask Powell??  He is well respected even by those who disagree with him.

  For me the choice of Obama over McCain is two fold...#1. On the economy... we need to STOP giving $$$ to big business for their CEO's to get rich, and go on retreats on the company tab... and START giving $$$ to the working people who make up a majority of the population in the country.  (McCain)Buy up bad mortgages and put the country farther in debt.... or(Obama) give $$$ to working people who have had trouble paying their mortgages so that they can catch up and save the companys at the same time!! #2.  I also DEFINATELY don't want Caribou Barbi as President if McCain should die in the next 4 years... 

Well Golly Gosh Wiz Folks I just don't see why NOT...   LOL


by wuzzup on 01 November 2008 - 00:11

barbi was only a slap in the face to hillary from the republicans.a back fire i think on the republican side.who wants palin in chare if maccain bites the big one. atleast if obama bites it ,biden might be able to pull it off. but im not voting so i should not say either way

by keepthefaith on 01 November 2008 - 00:11

An interesting and insightful article about what went wrong with conservatism under Bush and Rove.


by Blitzen on 01 November 2008 - 02:11

Ditto, Windwalker.

Caribou Barbie? Haven't heard that one, but I like it ......a LOT by golly!!!!


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