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by DDR-DSH on 12 April 2010 - 09:04

<continued> not allow anyone to take those dogs out and conditions were spiraling downward, on the fast track. She was probably on meds and not thinking clearly, to make things worse.. Best Friends, in Utah. allegedly took a lot of the dogs, and the mess was cleaned up. But, you'd have a hard time finding this anywhere now.. Certainly not on the Pet-Abuse site, I am quite certain. The decision was allegedly made that it would not look good for private rescue organizations and that community, so it was all hushed up. And, THAT is the difference.. If they and the other anti-breeders abuse or neglect or kill an animal, it is OK, or can be blamed on a breeder.. any breeder and all breeders.. Because WE are taking the homes that their dogs need and deserve. If WE have even a small transgression, they raise the hue and cry, and we're having to answer for it..

So, in the end, it's the hypocracy that gets me the most. Hypocracy abounds in this discourse, and all sorts of strange, hidden agendas, usually having ultimately to do with money..

After all, HSUS is worth HUGE sums of money, and they are sitting on it. Lots of big salaries and perks and retirement plans.. So, I don't suppose they have an agenda, do they?


by DDR-DSH on 12 April 2010 - 09:04

And, I should add.. That those of you who think that nothing like this could happen to you are very naive. You are living in a fool's paradise. You believe that if you wring your hands and cry "foul" and point accusing fingers, that you will somehow be spared. You are one of the "good" people! No.. You are ALL "good" people! Bad things don't happen to good people, because they don't deserve it, and they are on the side of what's right. Bad things only happen to people who deserve it.. Right? Yeah.. something like that..  Go back to sleep. I don't want to wake you from your nice dream!


by steve1 on 12 April 2010 - 10:04

Look Here Matey, Less of the sarcasm why is it needed, You do not have to convince me as i said 60 YEARS of keeping Dogs no problem, I do not expect another 60 Years with them so the likely hood of it happening to me is negligible and i will say it will never happen for if it did i would take immediate steps to stop it and that does not mean getting rid of the Dog or doing it harm just the opposite,
If you have Dogs that are doing what you say then it is bad Management on your part, Nothing Else so stop your Crying and get it sorted, and Yes, i am now awake and will not see my bed again for another 12 hours
MY last on this subject, Do as you said in your first post you get no sympathy from me

by Schaferhunden on 12 April 2010 - 11:04

I do not know who would support DDR-DSH with PM's. We have a person reporting that DDR Fried a whole kennel full of dogs (page4). Any person lending support to DDR has to be a DING BAT.Wake up people this is why the animal rights movement started people like this gives us all a bad reputation.She is not going away she claims making a retirement off these poor dogs. DOG PIMP


by Slamdunc on 12 April 2010 - 12:04

WOW!  It's is really amazing how you can blame others for the horrendous conditions you kept those dogs in.  You blame the AR people, the HSUS, the animal control people and everyone else for your abuse of animals.  You were there, you and your husband plead guilty, take some responsibility.  You can write a thousand long winded rambling posts rationalizing what happened but it won't make up for the suffering of those dogs and bring the dead ones back to life.  This is exactly the reason the AR people are around to stop this type of abuse.  I can only hope you never own(abuse) dogs ever again. 

I am glad this was brought out and I wish I knew about you sooner.  I can only hope Karma is a bitch.  I wasn't going to respond to this, but your inability to take responsibility and your attempts at justifying the situation are despicable and disgusting.  Get some help for your mental illness. 

The flippin problem is that someone like this will be allowed to own dogs and even breed again.  Horrible.  Please, don't offer anymore of your bull shit advice to people, you rarely make sense anyway.


Oh yea, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. 


by BabyEagle4U on 12 April 2010 - 12:04

Good post Slamdunc.


by Mystere on 12 April 2010 - 14:04

Excellent post, Jim! I have spent the weekend with my dogs, training and learning and enjoying the company of fellow-schutzhunders at a great helpers seminar my club hosted. I come back to THIS??? I am appalled at the OP and the OP's history. Glad to see OP going, but, apparently, as with others, this "Swan Song" was just a bid for attention that backfired. Now, we know this appalling history and the rambling attempts to rationalize and justify those actions is sickening...and very disturbing. Moral of the story: If you are going to leave, just LEAVE! If you had done that, DSH, this other crap wouldn't even come out. ANOTHER miscreant hoist by his/her own petard!!

Sock Puppet

by Sock Puppet on 12 April 2010 - 15:04

DDR-DSH no you are the one living in a fools paradise. This will not happen to 99.99999% want to know why, we are not animal abusers but you are and again I see you trying to shift blame on to other people/groups. Stand up and say I made a mistake and it was all my fault. Until you can admit your problems you can not fix them. It is like an alcoholic they need to admit they have a problem before they can get help and I do not see you doing that. Please get the help you need and if you are raising dogs please do them and yourself a favor and place them in good stable homes.

Notice Dr Phil is no were to be found on a real mental health issue she is not here but she will step to the plate to defend liars but not the dogs she says she cares about. Way to go Dr. Phil.

Like Jim says don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


by BabyEagle4U on 12 April 2010 - 15:04

Gezzzzz, I'm getting ready for Saddle Up America .. we leave tonight !!!!!!!!! 

This is gonna be so fun, did anyone see horseman on the roads yet ?  LMAO

Our group is leaving from the south mountains in PA tonight ... !!!!  We don't wanna miss too much work, ya know our taxes need us so there's a convoy meeting @ the south marker that's about 1/2 way.

YeeeeHawwwwwwww   This rides for you Washington !!!!!!   I wish there wan't leash laws for our dogs though, I'd love to take the dogs and round up DC. Psssst

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 12 April 2010 - 15:04

Typical Monday,
I just spilled coffee all over my keyboard thank you very much.
It's all your fault, I'm just a victim of circumstance, and that damned door.

Too much drama.



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