Why don't we donate to Max's cause - Page 7

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by 4pack on 30 May 2007 - 02:05

Hell yea, let's send em a pot plant. Then the cops will have a reason to be there and the owners can toke up till they don't care anymore. LOL I haven't laughed so hard all day!


by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 30 May 2007 - 03:05

In reading all the posts the past several days I find it interesting how most have gone from showing an overwhelming amount of support and empathy for this family to all of a sudden bashing the hell out of them because the dog was tied out.  Are we all "perfect" all of a sudden??  We've NEVER made an error of using bad judgment because we didn't realize something to be that critical we've overlooked it???  Let me first clarify I don't and have never tied out any dog I've ever owned nor do I leave my home with my dog behind a fence without anyone home but we really don't know what the circumstances were.  Maybe these people left the dog tied out because they only ran to the store for a pack of cigerettes, or gallon of milk not ever thinking something tragic could or would happen in a short time.  The dog didn't choke itself to death he was shot to death for christ sake.  I'd say there is a HUGE difference.  I think they're suffering enough with that let alone to have to read about their poor judgement of tieing the dog out.  We can go all day long with what if's; there's a saying in my house when one starts to say "what if I'd of done...."  then some smart ass will say If my aunt had boobs she'd be my uncle. To say these people shouldn't own a dog or deserve to own another one is WRONG!  This thread went from something positive to another masacre.  Put a fork in me I'm done!  Carry on if it makes you feel better but I myself am not self righteous-I'm human and I make mistakes just don't tell my husband I actually admitted that. lol


by Trailrider on 30 May 2007 - 03:05


I think Echo addressed the choke in as much as dogs sometimes can back out of a flat collar. Also that Max was for the most part a house dog and with the family. One article I read said he was a gentle dog and was totally trusted with their grandkids. Sounds like Max was a family dog to me, and very much loved. Maybe I am wrong but its my gut feeling. I don't condone tying dogs for containment period, but my life and situation may be more fortunate than some people. So I don't want to assume Max's life was not a good one. I am a glass half full person I guess.

I will still donate with some reassurance Max's family will keep their new dog in a yard or kennel. I also think we need to know for sure they are ready for another dog. I did read on another forum a breeder had been called for a puppy though....

by mnsib on 30 May 2007 - 03:05

There are starving children in this country perhaps even the one(s) not receiving child support and I am amazed by the number of people who are willing to put money up for someone they do not know to replace a dog they do not know was taken care of properly. I believe my money is better spent donating to a charity like St. Judes to help support a family that is going through a devastating illness of a child.

I also am slightly amazed by all the energy and anger spent on this topic instead of all the meaningful reasons this world offers us to spend this much energy on.

by Blitzen on 30 May 2007 - 03:05

4pack, you can make a donation for that plant by sedning it to my Pay-Pal account - WillieDidItAtTheWhitehouse.com It's tax deductable.


by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 30 May 2007 - 03:05

mnsib, the starving children in this country are being fed by me and everyone else who goes to work every day in this country because welfare supports them, the children who aren't receiving child support....well let's see I never got a dime in 10 years and I'm not bitchin or expecting anyone to "donate" to my obligations of being a responsible parent despite the fact the other parent is a slouch.  Although St Judes charity is wonderful and I also donate to charities that involve kids I also am a firm believer that when you are a giving person even to a total stranger good will come back to you 10 fold in your life.  An act of kindness can come in many ways; in this case it's an animal that happend to be a part of one's family to me it's like donating to a "kid".  My dog is not just my pet or this intimidating creature I place in my yard to keep crazy's at bay-he's a member of my family, my most trustworthy friend if he were killed under the same circumstances I would have turned this whole community upside down until I got satisfaction.  To have total strangers step up and be willing to donate a measly $25.00 to a stranger not simply because they necessarily are "in need" but just as an act of kindness to me is very heartwarming that there are still good people out there who have some heart.  And if you are "amazed" by the energy and anger spent on this topic then I am "AMAZED" that you are an animal lover.  Perhaps you should be on the St Judes website.  We are animal people here and yes it enrages me that anyone not just a cop but anyone would have the balls to come on my property where I have a contained dog and kill him in cold blood.  YES that makes me ANGRY!  And if it doesn't upset you then there's something wrong upstairs.  Sorry but you struck a nerve.


by VomFelsenHof on 30 May 2007 - 03:05

I am not condoning the act of tying out the dog on a lead either. With many breeders contracts, there would have been additional consequences besides the death of the dog coming after finding out it was on a choke chain.

HOWEVER, I think that the owners have learned a very valuable lesson, and that the tying of ANY dog out on a choke chain will never happen to any animal at their house ever again.

We all have made mistakes....none of us is perfect.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 30 May 2007 - 03:05

lol are you for real Blitzen   At least I created a laugh   ......then we can go for a camping trip somewhere  that they will allow our shepherds and a pot plant.....wow I must watch how I state things..... you got it 4-pak...If one of their deputies is montoring this site , they can put up a stake out for when the "pot plant" gets there....I m glad to know where to send the seed money...whoops,,,goofed again... Maybe Willie needs a new secret service agent and can contact this sheriff dept. for an available deputy.....after the investigation.....Now you gave us a good laugh, Blitz...Or maybe we could send along a nice "Cheese " Tray for the familly.....


by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 30 May 2007 - 04:05

Vomfelsenhof, well said.  That was my point exactly; none of us is perfect!


by sueincc on 30 May 2007 - 04:05

MNSIB:  Nobody is telling you what to spend your money on or who to spend your time with so please have at least enough courtesy to return the favor.  If you are so shocked and offended by people who's priorities are different from your own, feel free to leave.......don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.


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