Schutzhund will die, and GSD people won’t stop it…… - Page 5

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by harddawg on 24 July 2007 - 18:07

"Get away from the TV or the computer and spend time OUTSIDE with your dog." Wish I was doing that instead of being stuck with a slow day at work!

by jonny021 on 24 July 2007 - 18:07

VERY nice post schbabe.

by Blitzen on 24 July 2007 - 18:07

I guess there's nothing terribly wrong about arguing on a discussion board. My concern is that threads that embarass and disgrace others seem to draw a lot more interest than those that try to generate some response and thoughful regarding critical issues like AB 1634 and the rescue problem that generated that bad bill in the first place.  Fun is fun, but thread after thread of photos of morbidly obese men and women, accusations of others being homosexuals and  uncouth comments might be more appropriate for a private board. Yeah, I know, I can skip over them and I usually do.

by flipfinish on 24 July 2007 - 18:07

so much to say, not enough time to say it.

Don Corleone....I know of whence I speak, I have seen many clubs like this. I was not "kicked to the curb" I chose to leave because I did not get anything from my club I could not have gotten out of a magazine or book. My comments are right on and everyone who has been to a Sch club has seen it, admit it or not. And by the way, I have never seen a "hot blind" in a trial, nor do they let you change the pattern during a trial whenever you like. And just like anyone who has seen a Sch training video or read a book knows, you dont just train them in the pattern. I know how to train in "parts" so the finished product looks good. You would be ill advised to accuse me of not knowing my stuff in this instance, I can and have trained Sch dogs in the past. You personally attack me and then say "I dont totally disagree with you", you must choose sides, nobody can serve two masters. Bear in mind that my entire thought process and position cannot be summed up in 2 pages. It would take many more and I am sure nobody wants to read that much. I appreciate your opinion, if you do not have these people at your club then I am glad (and jealous) for you. But just because you are in the 1% that doesnt have the problems I describe, does not mean that I am still not accurate in my EXPERIENCE, not my opinion. My claims are neither false, nor ignorant and how could you know unless you know who I am, where I have trained and who I have dealt with? You too are making generalities in defense of your own position. Finally, I agree Schutzhund will not die simply because of this board, but this board represents a good cross section of the Sch public and my own EXPERIENCE has educated me on my prediction. Schutzhund has neither no marketing to speak of, low revenues, no forseeable way to increase said revenue streams without raising dues, and you have a VERY limited number of young people learning the sport. Those FACTS mixed with an overall negative body of people (yourself included based on your "they will sink their own ship" comment) will be the demise.

And that, is fact. You can argue all you want, but sooner or later it will happen. (and sooner if Hillary gets elected)

by kmaot on 24 July 2007 - 18:07

FlipFinish...interesting.  All I will say (I want to leave important comments to others) is that I too drive a BMW and have belonged to BMW Forums where everyone is indeed welcome.  But keep in mind, no one is SELLING anything on those Forums (other than parts).  It seems that everyone (ok, many) are out to protect "their" interests with "their" chosen type of GSD and type of activity.  And money is made from breedings, pups, stud dog fees, etc.  Peolpe will always fight to protect "money" if that is the way they see the breed.  Too bad, huh??

by harddawg on 24 July 2007 - 18:07

How many here actually turn a profit on their dogs? Honestly probably less than 10% after all expenses are included. The best GSD breeders do this as a hobby and just might make enough money to cover most of their expenses.

by flipfinish on 24 July 2007 - 18:07

johnny 021,

You make valid points, I have yet to meet a sch "god" that passes out titles to all the good little puppies out there. I understand a good working dog, if you check my other posts from some time ago you would know that and what position I USED to have on the breed. I am simply saying that I have become wiser, thanks to my wife, and wanted to share that with everyone. Sch is hard, my point was that some people (not you of course) make it seem like only the few, the proud, the gifted, can title a dog. I believe they do this out of sheer insecurity and if they can discourage other potential "competitors" they will. See, so many people (not you of course) like to read something and react, it is easier than getting to the heart of the issue. What if a person comes to a club with a GSD that is white, has 3 legs and a bad temper, do I think that dog will title, nope. But how I believe these situations should be handled is the difference. Most clubs would laugh at the person, ignore them, and if they do talk to them they would make fun of them or say "see my dog thats what you need". I have had that happen by going to a club and not even bringing a dog. All I am saying is why not lovingly educate that person on why whitey tripod probably wont do schutzhund. But if they want to get involved you could still do obedience with that dog, tracking maybe, or at least let them try with lots of love and support from other members. Maybe that person could become a helper, anyone have a surplus of those lying around? And then when they get to know the group and get used to the club life, they may buy a dog from a club memeber or someone else that CAN do the work. But by then the person is a functioning (and paying) member of the club, understands more about the sport and why his or her dog cant do it, and learns if they really want to compete, and maybe you picked up a helper. Isnt that a better scenario than "go buy another dog and come back".

What if you went to a golf tournament and they made you hit balls next to Tiger Woods and then said, "you suck, get better and come back", would you?

Oh, and I really believe a chimp could title a dog. I saw a chimp juggle while riding a tricycle. If he can do that, what cant he do? (it was a joke)

by flipfinish on 24 July 2007 - 18:07


I vote you for president! My comments aside, your last comment was very true as well. On my BMW forum it is people helping people solve problems, not people calling people gay and fighting etc. I guess I am with you, I thought we were on this site to help one another.

I understan the money issue, it is sad. At my job I work with my competition on certain jobs if they have an area of expertise I dont. Ask my wife, we met because I was selling GSD puppies (working ones mind you out of the great Endy v Svenshome) and she wanted a "show dog". Do you know what I did, I gave her the name and phone number of a breeder that I knew had what she wanted. What did I get in return, a hot wife, 2 children, and an existence I never dreamed I could have. All because I did the right thing. See, you do get rewarded for being honest! And if you saw my wife you would agree!!!


by animules on 24 July 2007 - 18:07

Great post SchHBabe.

by harddawg on 24 July 2007 - 18:07

Much better post than the original flipfinish. I understand now that you are angry with the people skills of some people at clubs you have been to. Finding the right fit in a club can be half the battle for the potential dog trainer. There are many crappy people out there in clubs but, there are also a few "gems" out there too.


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