Why are so many Schutzhund folks... - Page 7

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by DesertRangers on 03 August 2007 - 15:08

First thing we have alot of nice looking babes on this messageboard. Second as we all age nothing wrong with a female actually having a "womans" body which is just as attractive as having a skinny model type body. Third I have seen alot of "dog' women who could work most people into the ground, maybe alittle overweight but real go getters.

Lastly, many people get involved into activities or hobbies for health reasons such as relieving stress etc....  dog sports are a excellent choice to stay busy and depending on your age/health/ability you have alot of choices. Saw a 70 + year old lady title her dog in AKC obedience. She worked slow but had a well trained little dog.


by iluvmyGSD on 03 August 2007 - 15:08

BabyEagle4U---after hearing that--yup--i got it easy...but to tell the truth...i wish i had all that to do so i could have something to do...boring around here...and i wish i had some horses:(


by SchHBabe on 03 August 2007 - 18:08


You crack me up!  I am 34, not 23.  We don't have children, by choice. My husband works as a professional fire fighter 48 hours a week, in addition to working 45 hours a week fixing bikes in our bicycle shop.  After I get done with my 50 hour a week day job, nights and weekends I'm in the shop helping him in whatever way I can.  

I can't wait to quit my so-called "super" job cuz it is just a cash machine and not hardly my life's passion.   As soon as we get this business loan paid off I'm gonna burn my engineering diploma in my boss' office and say "hasta la vista, baby" to this stinking chemical plant. 

We have to be creative to work exercise into our schedule.  For example both Benjamin and I have "commuter bicycles" that we use to ride back and forth to the bicycle shop, ride to the local restaurants for dinner, ride to Walmart, ride to get groceries, etc.  As a bonus, it's really saving us some dough on gas. 

Oh yeah, and there's a GSD and a Mali that need exercise and training.  The 3 cats just want some lovin' and the 5 snakes just want a big juicy rat. 

This is apparently not what you expected of "the family unit."  23??  Now can we kiss and make up and play nice with each other?


Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 03 August 2007 - 19:08


I would like to see you in my office Monday morning.

by zdog on 03 August 2007 - 19:08

What's this "husband" talk, I thought you were a red headed lesbian????

Seriously though, health is more than weight, there are as many unhealthy skinny people as unhealthy "fluffy" people.  Finding time to move your body, and i mean move and get a good sweat going and do some resistance training are an absolute requirement for health.  Eat right, think right and move right, and you'll be fine.  What a scale says and a little extra weight doesn't define health. 

BTW, they may say obesity is 2nd behind smoking, but I don't buy it.  Obesity is every bit if not more dangerous than smoking.  I've seen many more skinny smokers living to an old old age, than obese people.  Or maybe they just look old :)  By the time our obese kids that don't eat real foods, drink real water, exercise and really move their bodies to develope them and have the "victim" mentallity , wherer nothing is there fault and they aren't responsible for anything, thouroughly ingrained in their heads, our life expectency will take a nose dive by the time they grow up. 

I don't like that exercise is claimed to REDUCE your chances of all these illnesses and disease.  That's the wrong way to look at it.  By NOT exercising you're Increasing your odds of being unhealthy.  Exercise doesn't add health, you simply lose it by ignoring what is required to keep your health.  You know, ignore your health and it will go away.  Look at health and disease like light and dark.  You can't make something dark, you have to take away the light.  You can't add a disease, you take away health.  We're surrounded by stuff that should kill us everyday.  We all have E. coli in our GI tract, we all have had the flu virus in our mucus membranes in ourmouths and throats, we've all come in contact with salmonella, we all have 100-10,000 cancer cells produced and killed in our bodies every single day of our lives, yet we don't die from these things.  Make enough unhealthy lifestyle choices and you will.  Just like you can't make something cold, you have to take out the heat.  \\

Exercise has been shown by anecdotal  observations and study after study to stimulate all the things in your body that keep things operating at their opitmal level, that's just how it is.  Our bodies were designed to move, everything feeds off that movement.  Kids brains develop mostly from activity.  It stimulates growth of neural connections.  Why do you think kids play so much, or puppies, or kittens.  Whoever you believe created us, created us that way for a reason.  We shouldn't forget to move in adulthood.  It takes nothing to do some lunges across the floor during commercial, or go outside and jump some rope, or swing across the monkey bars if you're walking by a park, or do some pushups, even if its off a counter top in the kitchen while waiting for water to boil.  We all have opportunity to do more, cause face it, our "western" lifestlye doesn't make us move half as much as we should.

anyway, I think Americans are great at making excuses, and I think our attitudes need a major reversal or our great country won't last another hundred years and won't even register as a blip in history as a "great civilization".  Ok, i'm done, carry on.


by SchHBabe on 03 August 2007 - 20:08

Don C, sorry can't fool me - my boss is a red head too!    And you ain't her.

zdog... shhhhh... don't tell my husband... or he'll have all the boys over tonight to watch.

Actually, another benefit of using bicycles to get around town is that neither Benjamin nor I have to pick straws to see who's going to be the designated driver.  Guinness for all!  I do occasionally drink my carbs.  Cheers!


by DesertRangers on 03 August 2007 - 22:08

Several of my grandparents lived until they were over 90 and one lived to 99 years of age. And guess what! None of them ever exercised a day of their lives. They worked hard and had hobbies but never exercised. Both of my parents are almost 80 and still very active and also neither one was ever into exercise. My dad still works cattle several times a week and yep, no working out ever.


by zdog on 03 August 2007 - 22:08

I said move, Americans don't move, we sit behind desks, stand at registers or assembly lines, sit in our recliners, sit behind the wheel of a car.  your grandparents MOVED every day of their lives and moved a lot.  I'm sure you parent's did as well, your dad still works cattle.  Most people couldn't last till noon anymore doing that cause they'd be exhausted.    To get the required movement and stimulation to the nervous system, it is true in this day an age, that most americans need to exercise to get that.  That is the big difference. 


by DesertRangers on 03 August 2007 - 23:08


nope, you are wrong again!  My grandparents had white collar jobs and actually moved about as much as i do and two of them were somewhat overweight most of their lives.  A funny side note one day at a store a thin male shopped-lifted and a employee of the store chased him outside the store. I watched as the overweight employee not only chased after the slim guy but caught him after a 1/4 mile of running and held him down until the police showed up.

funny to remember but my grandmother that lived to be 99 was overweight, ate fried food all her life and was healthy most of her life. At work i have had way overweight employees take physicals and have perfect blood pressure etc and had slim people have just the opposite. go figure that lol...


by SchHBabe on 04 August 2007 - 05:08

DR, you bring up some good points, and I think it is clear to most that `skiny` is NOT the same as `healthy`. My points are still as follows: 1 - If you are in shape you will compliment your dog`s athleticism. Together Everyone Achieves More. 2 - Expect as much out of yourself as you do of your dog. Happy training! Yvette


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