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by eichenluft on 07 August 2007 - 18:08

actually Kandi is happily married to a very devoted husband, and has children - and I though I'm not married and don't plan on being - am not gay.  But, I don't give a rats' ass what people think my sexual preferences are. 



by Kandi on 07 August 2007 - 18:08

I am not the one they call "Pat" behind thier back. And sorry to disappoint you, but I am happily married to a very good need to go looking elsewhere. Boy oh boy do you have some anger issues.....tsk tsk tsk

by KeepzItReal on 07 August 2007 - 18:08


Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 07 August 2007 - 18:08

I'm a big fan of Notre Dame.  A lot of people bash them.  Why? Because they have always been good.  Sure, they had some down years, but overall they have more national championships than anyone.  Jealosy brings out the worst in people.  Instead of trying to better their situation, they try to bring you down.  You know what you have accomplished and nobody can take that away from you.  Ignore the ignorant.  I feel kind of sorry for some of the people on here.  I wish Oli would have a seperate board where people can anonymously ask a psychiatrist for help.  I think a lot of people  on here need some attention that mommy and daddy neglected to give as a youngster.  To you people, I say it is not your fault!  It's not your fault!  Sometimes I think that people might just be bored from reading boring posts about what brush to use, what do you think about my dog, or look at my cute puppy.

If you keep skipping over a posters BS, eventually they will stop.

by Cahill24 on 07 August 2007 - 19:08

I have 13 years of experience in breeding excellent working German Shepherd Dogs.   If someone asks a question on this board or others, about breeding, whelping, color genetics, genetics in general, hips, temperament, - anything I know the answer to from personal experience, I'm happy to share my knowledge when I think it's useful.   I have 15 years experience in Schutzhund sport.  I have trained 5 dogs from 0 to Schh3, FH, IPO3, National level in the sport.  I have also trained competitive AKC obedience, tracking, agility, and narcotics and cadaver detection dogs.  I have taken dogs to Schh3 more than 40 times, most of those Regional and National level.  I have earned the bronze, silver, gold and Master Gold Sports Medals for my achievements in the sport of Schutzhund, mostly with dogs from my own breeding program, and all with dogs I've trained myself.  If someone asks a question on this board or others about training, - anything I have a personal opinion about based on my own experiences, I'm happy to share my knowledge and experience when I think it's useful.  I share my e-mail on my profile of this board so it's easy to contact me privately with any questions at all, which many people do.    The lady who asked a very vague question for people "with experience" to contact her privately - who answered her?   I did, with a suggestion to contact the non-alias persons who by putting their contact information on this site, are obviously willing to be contacted privately.

Still does not take away that you molly is still a bold face LIER!

by eichenluft on 07 August 2007 - 20:08

keep it up Lee Hough (cahill24) - you are an idiot.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 07 August 2007 - 20:08

You can tell who he is by his incorrect english grammar.....

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 07 August 2007 - 20:08

or should I say     who she  Is?

by dajkzo on 07 August 2007 - 21:08



There are some people that require a severe correction as often as possible. The only thing missing are lee's acquaintances (not the imaginary ones) such as her know it all buddy whose only accomplishment was marrying a dog trainer. Before Oli cleans up lee's foul remarks, it would be entertaining to give her buddies a few hard verbal slaps.


C. Wilkins

by zdog on 07 August 2007 - 21:08

Don C--- The only thing good to  ever come out of Notre Dame is RUDY, RUDY, RUDY



and curly lambeau,  and Paul Hornung,  and Joe Montana, Joe Thiesman, Ricky Waters, The "bus",  Tim Brown, the 4 horseman, well you get the picture. 

But you're right, its easy to be a target when you're well known, and some people think the only way to reach those above them, is to try and pull  them down.  It's kinda sad.


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