Moderator - good idea or bad? - Page 12

Pedigree Database

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by DesertRangers on 13 August 2007 - 00:08

sounds like you already doing the horse!   lol


by DesertRangers on 13 August 2007 - 00:08

My last post on this thread..I am the best moderator you would ever see...bye


by iluvmyGSD on 13 August 2007 - 02:08

Please no modeRATor----the four letter words are just about the only ones ya'll use that i can define : )


by iluvmyGSD on 13 August 2007 - 02:08

if anything needs to be changed it needs to be our profile options, i think we should have a link to OUR dogs pedigree page on our profile and make it so you can only change things on YOUR dogs page by signing in with your screename...i just don't feel comfortable with the fact that anyone can change my dogs pedigree info....also wouldn't that make it harder for people to make fake names and pretend they were somone else (a complaint i've seen alot on here), i know it wouldn't make it impossiable but it would be harder because they would also have to make an entire new pedigree for a different dog, otherwise we'd be able to tell who they were just by looking at the dogs page they we're linked to...does this make any sense?


by waltermitty on 13 August 2007 - 04:08

I am not in favor of a moderator without seeing the guidelnes and 'terms of use' for this messageboard beforehand.  In other words, I would like to know what the ground rules were are to operate under in this forum.  a board nazi isn't appreciated by anyone.

i'm all for a moderator if occasionally, civil discourse is to be judged on a 'reasonable person' standard.  a moderator  can function successfully and for the most part, maintain a near invisible role and I've seen on testosterone permeated boards such as those dealing with firearms, cars, motorcycles, etc etc.

this isn't a black/white issue.  it has to do with what most folks would expect should they convene for conversation in a generally public forum.  some would want Roberts Rules of Conduct (unreasonably restrictive)....where some believe that a bar room brawl with belching, drunken fights prevail....with private parts dangling for our delight (not).  somewhere between can be drawn reasonable boundaries, such that civil discourse is the prevailing environment.

totally unmoderated, it relies on adults to communicate in mature fashion....natch, with periodic exchanges which test the limit.  that's to be expected.  it's when these limits become the norm, that one should question whether it is the interests of the participants...should it continue unabated.   free speech without limits can be a slippery slope without self control, I opine.

by Blitzen on 13 August 2007 - 12:08

The Terms of Service for the board are at the bottom of each message page. Basically all forums are post moderated..... must be 13 years of age.... must be respectful of other users, the system and the nickmanes that are inflammatory, vulgar, promotional, or rude....all messages are moderated for foul respectiful of other users, the ststem, the moderators, please use the system in good links to adult content or pages with links to adults content or near adults content  (including models and swimsuit sites) message describing anything against the law.....this forum is not a venue for personal or private vendettas, keep you personal business personal.....please treat others the way you want to be treated....should anyone  use inappropriate language, start a personal attack, or engage in hate speech they will be barred  from all further discussions....any posting another member's personal details wothout their approval will be banned. There is a lot more..... in total 23 terms of service.

And don't shoot the messenger - these are Oli's TOS's, not mine.

by waltermitty on 13 August 2007 - 14:08

ahh, the fine print at the bottom.  tnx Blitzen.  if a mod is needed to support and maintain decorum, in positive and constructive fashion and not as an ego booster, but with the TOS as the foundation, I am in favor.  preferably, the forum participants would take these terms to heart as well.


by sueincc on 13 August 2007 - 15:08

Probably every person read the "fine print" when joining this board, at least I know I  did.  No one is questioning what the rules are, I posed the question to debate whether or not   moderating is a good or bad idea.


by Sunsilver on 13 August 2007 - 16:08

[coming back into the thread now that it's back on topic...]

I can't believe I never noticed that at the bottom of the page! (Smacks forehead.)

Well, what's the point of having a TOS if it's not being enforced? 


by sueincc on 13 August 2007 - 17:08

Now see, you said "coming back to the thread now that it's back on topic"  In my opinion, there were only a couple of funny posts that weren't on topic and so what?  You don't have to respond to the posts you feel don't apply.  In fact, if you want to take it to extremes, Blitzens post could be construed as off topic because the discussion is whether or not a moderator is a good idea, not is or isn't this board moderated.  Of course, in my opinion to actually delete her post on that basis would be stupid and unfair.

There are many laws on the books that for whatever reason are no longer enforced.   There is a law in my county that if you see a horse  on the street you must stop a certain amount of feet before the horse and honk so the rider is aware of your presence. 

I think the only part that is black & white would be the issue of colorful language.  If the overwhelming majority is not offended than the language is no longer offensive.  I think there are those who use it for the shock value, but if it no longer shocks than what"s the value?  If I am thinking of the word "shit", does it really matter whether I call it excrement, number 2, poop, crap or merde?

The rest is subjective.  For example, I think in an earlier post you brought up EM.  In your opinion she was jumped on & bullied for everything she said.  That's not what most of us saw.  For a year she was looking for a fight and attacked numerous people who disagreed with her.  she lied and when caught she lied some more.  These were not little white lies.  Among other things, she accused a club of purposely mistreating a dog she bred,    and started heaping abuse on those that spoke the truth of the matter.    Now what happened is over, and I will bet when she comes back (and she will), no one will mention what happened and will accept her at face value.

In short, moderating is subjective.  This board was moderated (more than it is now), in the past and it was a dismal failure according to the overwhelming majority of those who witnessed it.  This board is probably the most successful, fun, educational and active GSD board  I've ever seen.  I love how both Show and Working aficionados interact quite successfully most of the time.   If it ain't broke, why fix it?


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