Pit Bull family pet Mauls 4 year old in Texas - Page 9

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by TexasLady217 on 12 August 2007 - 19:08

Julie, I completely agree with you! A huge percent of people want bulldogs cause they are "bad ass."

Then once the novelty wears off and they don't take the time to properly train their dogs, (and the dogs then become uncontrollable, fear-biters or hyper-aggressive-just to name a few problems you can encounter) they let it run the streets or it ends up in a shelter somewhere.

I completely understand the general public's view of pit bulls. And to say it is an "undeserved" bad reputation is just not true.  I have absolutely no delusions of what my dogs are capable of.  If people want to think my dogs are "mean" that's fine.  But I am not going to allow my dog to intimidate any person intentionally and I certainly am not going say "Pit Bulls are for Everyone" And there is absolutely no justifying pit bull attacks on innocent people. If a pit bull attacks a person I feel it should be euthanized. Period.

As far as BSL, it's just wrong. As others have said...there will be a new "target" breed if pits are banned.

And like the saying goes about guns holds true for pit bulls. "If pit bulls are outlawed, only outlaws with have them."

It is nice to see though, that there are a lot of folks here who are open-minded and can see where the real problems lie :-)


yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 12 August 2007 - 19:08

Thanks TexasLady and Angela for your posts, and we should all just remember at this moment":

While we wade thru all these opinions and remarks given here   a four year old lilttle girl lays in a Tyler hospital, fighting to live....Infections are setting in and they are confident she will start the upward spiral to regain her little life..

Regardless of whose fault it is, or what dog it was, It is a crushing view in my mind every minute as to how she hurts and how she is going to be harmed by this event..

All of the harsh remarks about the breed or the people on this thread ,can not compare to the pain and suffering of the family and friends of this little girl

And the little two year old girl that went home a day or two ago....

Lest we not forget.........

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 12 August 2007 - 19:08

Thanks Angela and Texas Lady for your inputs and posts on the breed that a lot of us donot know much about...BUt while we discuss and type these posts whether they be positive or negative, or remarks about those of us posting or the breeds we raise and love,,,

While we are going about this  a  little four(4) year old girl , lays in a Tyler hospital in pain beyond degree from a vicious attack on her little precious body...Regardless of whose fault it was or is, or what breed of dog did this, and what we think should happen.....

Infection, broken bones, a seperated shoulder, a mass of open wounds and shock has set into this little person...The family and friends are in shock and the Mother , no matter how it happened is still her Mother...

The dog , I do not know , what has happened to, but the lives of these involved are in a mess, and the vision of this , I cannot get out of my mind.

So lest we forget this.....

That is what the thread was to be about....the life of a child...

If one human being or one animal can be spared  from this , the thread served a purpose.


by iluvmyGSD on 12 August 2007 - 21:08

well said yellowrose


by Brandoggy on 12 August 2007 - 21:08

The second article with the two year old never stated which dog bit her.....I wonder if they could get an idea by the size of the bite.  Sounds like it could have been any of them...

also-I am around GSD thereapy dogs all the time and none of them wear a pinch collar...why does the pit in the picture have one on?  Not trying to be nasty, just asking.



yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 12 August 2007 - 21:08

by ProudShepherdPoppa on 12 August 2007 - 22:08

Brandoggy I was wondering the same thing,  Most people use a pinch collar only for training purposes.  But I must admit it does make it look like one "bad assed dog." 

by Angela Kovacs on 12 August 2007 - 22:08

The PRONG collar is used because my brother has very limited strength in his arms, he is classifed as a parplegic. The prong requires very little presure when commands are given. Also, certain ways the collar is pulled tells Shotgun (the dog) which way to turn, go ahead or wait behind.  Some service dogs wear even more collars then that. Right now we are devloping a special harness for him so that he can pull Kevin up areas that Kevin does not have the strength to push himself, and yes the dog does have a command for pull. This dog has given my brother the ablity to do may things that he could never do before. He is only 25 and was in a horrible accident when he was 17. I am sure that you Brandoggy can understand what a dog can do for someone.

Proud Shep,

That image in your mind is a great deterant to someone that might want to rob my brother. BTW.....There is nothing badass about being crippled.....

by Luvmidog on 12 August 2007 - 23:08

Am I imagining things    are those skull heads on the back rails of the wheel chair.....just noticed it    I cant figure what else it would be.?????

by Angela Kovacs on 12 August 2007 - 23:08

Yeah, my brother is a big Spawn fan, loves that kinda stuff. : )


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