OT: The "O" factor: The most powerful person in the US - Page 14

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by RatPackKing on 03 November 2008 - 02:11


Why was it that  every time majority Republicans tried to pass legislation to reform Fannie and Freddie, Democrats blocked it? Now we're seeing the repercussions of their actions. Yet -- unsurprisingly, if I may say -- they refuse to take responsibility for their screw-up. They're much more fond of finger-pointing and sticking taxpayers with the bill. There is deafening silence  from the media and Liberals on the subject......Fannie and Freddie may not of been the main problem , but it was one big stinkin chunk.....

by keepthefaith on 03 November 2008 - 03:11

Earth to RPK! Earth to RPK!

The  Republicans controlled Congress so they could have gotten the legislation through if Bush really wanted to do so. But I repeat the problem is not Fannie and Freddie - it is the derivatives where the real exposure lies. This should have been regulated.

Also, polling indicates that almost two thirds of Hispanics are supporting the Democratic ticket. It used to be closer to one half. So the Republicans have lost a lot of support in this important demographic group.

Re illegals in the country, it is admittedly a tough problem - but the only way to control the situation is to impose heavy penalties including jail time for employers who hire illegals. The reason that Bush and the Republicans will not do so is because businesses want to keep a supply of cheap labor available to them - and you know that Republicans are beholden to business.. As long as there are economic incentives for illegals to come into the country we will continue to have a problem.

I am going to bed and will leave you to earn some more money tomorrow so that it can be redistributed to us socialists! Good night!

by Do right and fear no one on 03 November 2008 - 03:11

I just heard on TV a replay of a radio address sometime back, given by Obama in his own voice and words.

He said that under his plan of Cap and Trade that he wants to initiate, coal mines will go broke and the price of electricity will sky rocket.  He said it was necessary to get control of green house emissions and move us towards clean coal technology.

It just keeps getting better.

Now don't get me wrong.  I hug as many trees as the next person.  But if the rest of the world is not doing the same thing, then all we will do is make our country pay more for services (gas, electricity, etc) and enrich them, because as we all know.  We ain't gonna drill here.

So.  Obama's energy plan is to:  raise the price of producing coal, hence raising the price of electricity to force us to use less and force us to invent clean coal technology.  Then, his plan is to not get out the oil under our land, but instead force us to use less by buying it from elsewhere at higher and higher costs.

Yep.  Sign me up.

Or better yet.  Beam me up Scotty.  There is only about 49 percent intelligent life on this planet.

by Do right and fear no one on 03 November 2008 - 03:11

Another quote from Blitzaen: "BTW any photos of yours and the wife's Halloween costumes this year?"

Response:  Why yes Blitzen.  I went as Susan (except without the mustache,  and my wife went as Blitzen (except with make-up because we didn't want to scare the crap out of little kids and cause them nightmares).

Scary huh :)

Still wanna play?

by Do right and fear no one on 03 November 2008 - 04:11

As a few of you know.  I collect old comic books.  I have a very small fortune in them and they are worth lots.  Not bragging.  Just setting up what is coming below.  I have been made fun of on this site for "collecting comic books" (which I read very few of, but invest in many of).

Anyway.  During the recent Alfred E. Smith (not Newman) dinner/roast.  Obama and McCain both gave comical speeches that were really very funny.  McCain's was the best.  He referred to when Oprah called Obama "The One", and McCain said since he and Obama are friends, he just calls him "that one".  It was really a pretty funny speech.

Obama made the statement (in jest) that "contrary to popular believe, I was not born in a manger.  I was however, born on the planet Krypton and my fathers name is Jor-el".  (for those that do not know, Superman was born on a fictitious planet called Krypton and Supermans fathers name on that planet was Jor-el).

Today, again Obama mentioned comic book characters.  In a speech in Columbus, Ohio, Obama compared McCains "sidekick" status to George Bush as being the same as "Kato's sidekick status to the Green Lantern".

I give Obama his props for even knowing of Green Lantern but Kato was actually the sidekick of the Green Hornet, and not Green Lantern.

Let's start another rumor about Obama.  He is a closet comic book collector.  Want proof?  Just look below.

by GSDforSale on 03 November 2008 - 04:11

rising unemployment is easily fixed.

send the illegals back to mexico and employers will be begging for workers!

oh....out here,employers know darn well which of their mexican workers are illegal.

by Blitzen on 03 November 2008 - 04:11

Naw, I don't want to play anymore, Do Right. You are way too smart and clever for me.

by Blitzen on 03 November 2008 - 05:11

RPK, what you stated about  about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is not exactly the truth. Both parties were to blame. 


by Do right and fear no one on 03 November 2008 - 05:11

"Do Right. You are way too smart and clever for me."


Damn girl.  You ain't nearly as dumb as I thought you were.  Good job coming to your senses!  Now, go out and vote against Obama.  Vote for Hillary or Ron Paul or even right in "Do Right".

by Blitzen on 03 November 2008 - 13:11

It's "write in', not "right in".


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