OT: The "O" factor: The most powerful person in the US - Page 5

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by sueincc on 31 October 2008 - 22:10

Bob:  I said Bush was self aggrandizing when he said God talks to him.  The definition of which is one who is exaggerating his own importance, power or reputation.  In no way did I comment on his personal religion.  Oh and I do hold the President to a certain standard, but  a blow job has absolutely nothing to do with it.  I think it's a little weird exactly how fixated and "morally outraged"  some people get when it comes to other peoples  sex life.  Really none of our business.   Funny how so many who were so busy "holding the president to a higher standard" ended up getting busted for  "getting some" on the side.  The problem was they didn't really care about the president getting a blow job, they just wanted to bring him down.  Unfortunately they chose something that  ultimately came back to bite quite a few of them on the ass.  Bigger they are the harder they fall. 


by Ninja181 on 31 October 2008 - 22:10

"When Clinton lied, Nobody died.  And yep, Bush & his cronies were able to pull the wool over a lot of peoples eyes.   Why?  Greed and so that baby Bush could do something his daddy couldn't.  Pretty sick."

You lost me here Sue. Are you suggesting it's fine to lie to a grand jury as long as no one dies?

I'm assuming your statement about Bush is referring to the Iraqi war. He received the same briefing Congress got. The war was voted on by Congress, so I guess that is one of the reasons our wonderful Congress has an approval rating about 10%. By the way I can't stand Bush either. I wish they would ALL resign. Maybe we should "Out Source" Congress".

If Obama gets elected with a Democratic Congress we will certainly know who to blame for everything that gets screwed up in the next four years. There will be NO exceptable excuses for them.


by 4pack on 31 October 2008 - 23:10

That's exactly my thoughts Ninja, who to blame then...?

I do recall more than a few people more than gung ho to go to war after 911. Not just Bush and Congress

by beetree on 31 October 2008 - 23:10

Sueincc: You won't find it, because I just remember it. I am not saying she told anybody to vote for anybody. I said she opened the doors for him, she found him first, that is all. And her influence worked. Is working. The point is so many seem to be jumping on the Obama bandwagon and where did it all come from? And what do they know about the man or his deeds? As everyone keeps searching to trip me up, it comes down to just my own opinion about: guess who lives in Illinois and is a maker and shaker of careers and wealth? And I just so happen to remember meeting the Obama man for the first time myself, when Oprah introduced him. And I followed through with my thoughts, that one of the focal points of her philanthropy, is the mentoring of leadership, and well, I just came up with titled thought .

by Bob McKown on 31 October 2008 - 23:10


 Sue I don,t agree with you at all on the sex thing, the president should lead by example now if Bill took hillary into the oval office stripped her and put a saddle on her grabbed a handful of hair and lovingly whispered into her ear Your sister is better in bed and then held on for dear life so be it the thing here is THEY ARE MARRIED A MORAL CONTRACT.

But the leader of the free world chose to put his own immoral personnel needs before the peoples not a moral beacon... I,m sure you would,nt say to your children Bill Clinton was a wonderful president and didnt get anybody killed but did get a pole smokin by a young intern while representing us BUT thats okay it,s just sex...???.

George was a disappoitment to me more in the second term but his inabality to reign Chenney and Rumsfield hurt me the worst. 

I don,t care if there democratic or republicans they all have forgotten there purpose.

Oh by the way I,m no body and i,ve been married 16 years and mr happy only knows one happy place since marriage if i can do it so can they...  


by Blitzen on 31 October 2008 - 23:10

Bob, in the big picture all of us are no-bodies and our opinions don't count for very much either


by sueincc on 31 October 2008 - 23:10

Who is searching to trip you up?  I don't think it's too much to ask what lead you to your conclusion.  I would imagine some people are jumping on the Obama bandwagon to get away from the mess the current administration has put us in.  Take the war in Iraq.   We now know Bush & his gang of neocons (Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Rumsfield to name a few)  had a hard-on for Iraq.  They set aside the findings of the CIA , pressured them to find evidence of weapons of mass destruction when they knew there weren't any weapons, then  cherry picked bad intelligence inorder to manipulate us into a war with Iraq, which was their goal in the first place. 

Considering the nightmare we are now in, is it any wonder no one trusts the likes of McCain, an admitted Bush cheerleader for all those years?

by Blitzen on 31 October 2008 - 23:10

Illicit sex in the White House is nothing new or unique. Clinton wasn't the first and I doubt he'll be the last. Dubya doesn't seem the type but look at what a rotten President he is. I'm not sure a horny President is necessarily a bad President .


by Ninja181 on 31 October 2008 - 23:10


I remember Oprah having Obama on the show. Then she went out and campaigned for him. A lot of her followers got ticked off that she was doing this and demanded she have the opposition on her show, which she refused to do. I think this cost her some viewers. But she was involved early on.

by Blitzen on 31 October 2008 - 23:10

Oprah is campaigning for Obama for President? So what? She's allowed.


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