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von Hayden Sheps

by von Hayden Sheps on 01 January 2009 - 18:01

First and foremost I'd like to say thank you to all those who've eMailed and Private Messaged me through this site - lending support. Its more then appreciated to know you guys understand where I am coming from!  Also, thank you to the people who took the time to check the facts before believing a post that is completely one sided, by an anonymous poster (newly joined, no past post, no eMail listed, never gave her personal information).

  The funniest thing is that everyone visiting this board has basically already heard this story time and time again. This isn't new, as I haven't hid anything and the story hasn't changed...... At least my story hasn't changed.  So this isn't new news for most. The rest who don't know that story only need to hear Daniela Huppe is involved and know that there is no reason to lie.....   Carolyn, I am not sure what you are saying here "throws me under the bus".  I exposed myself and truth since you lacked the most critical information.  Again there is nothing to hide, so why should I sit back and allow you to continue to slander me? I know you didn't mention my name on this post but you have in the past to others, which is beyond my point.   Because we want the best for our dogs, even after they leave our care, we do not recommend neutering or spaying before 15 months. When we sell a female pet puppy, the contract requires the dog not to be bred, and to be neutered between 15-18 months. Once again, we should probably be flattered, but Voxi was sold as a pet and not as a breeding female due to her long coat. However, all my dogs have a chance to obtain Full Registration by receiving proper hip ratings and working titles. But, it was never my understanding you wanted her for anything more then a pet. Otherwise I would never have offered a "Long Coat" puppy for a possible breeding home! For the record I have a ton of families who have "Pet" dog and they often train and dabble in SchH., PSA, Sport, TDI, AKC, Agility, etc.  But, breeding a long coat dog is against proper breeding standards. Which I believed would present NO problem for you since Voxi was not sold as a breeding female and you stated you had no intentions of breeding the dog.

von Hayden Sheps

by von Hayden Sheps on 01 January 2009 - 18:01

Before you go making assumptions you should really stop and think about what your saying I wasn't having a problem with Daniela at time of the that the R,T,U or V breeding's took place. The truth of the matter is, I didn't begin to have a problem with her until after you had Voxi. Daniela had promised all along that the papers were being processed, and this can typically take some time when doing a foreign registration transfer... I didn't suspect there would be any issue with paperwork on Nando so I used him in good faith for breeding. She had also given permission for each and every litter that was sired by Nando so why should I have thought this might be a problem, considering we had done business for many years prior. I will apologize again about the situation. Carolyn I sincerely apologize that I am unable to supply you papers at this time. I will continue to do all that I can to supply you with the correct documentation as quickly as I can. Carolyn please tell me one time that I was mean to you? I have been very honorable to you even when you wanted to get rid of Voxi. I've responded to every eMail within a timely matter, I've answered your questions, and been there anytime you needed my assistance. If I recall correctly, I even offered my full support to retrieve Voxi (when you no longer wanted her) even though you had testified against me pertaining to Nutz von Hayden. Carolyn, I will say if you consider what you've done to me nice, then its obvious that we have different standards. Well, the truth is in all the documentation that lays in my hands and since you don't care - I won't go into details. Did I call you a bad person? NO, NEVER said that either Carolyn. I just said I didn't expect anything less considering your new crew of people. But again no need for details everyone already knows the deal.

von Hayden Sheps

by von Hayden Sheps on 01 January 2009 - 18:01

The facts of the matter is.......... I am having a dispersal sale because..... Daniela Huppe screwed me along with most of the dog world. We also have some great and exciting things happening here, and will be taking most if not all of my time and I want all my dogs to be happy. I figured it was best that they went into homes where they would continue to be the center of attention. But, I do feel that I should explain to you Carolyn the basic outline of the facts. Whoever you assumed to have the papers you are absolutely incorrect. Yes, at some point in time, a man who was not a detective, did indeed register him and was for a short period of time the in possession of such documentation. However, he never had the dog, met the dog, seen the dog, none the less definitely didn't own the dog. But the simple fact is that I have/ I am and I will be the legal and rightful owner of said dog until the day he passes. As he sits at my feet this very moment, Nobody will change that simple fact..... (Nice try Daniela). As I explained to you..... I continue to do what I can for you, my other clients and myself so that I can get proper documentation that all are so desperately waiting for. I understand your position better then anyone in the world. However, you are working against us when you should be working with us. I've done everything correctly to ensure what I promised to you amongst others. I've gone to great lengths to make sure I am doing the right thing. Including spending more money then I'd care to think about to make sure that the Nando puppies were registered. I been through it all, the way IT SHOULD BE DONE, so that you will get papers. But, then you go getting involved in other parties that don't need to be involved i.e.. Wolfgang, Jonthan to name a few. Making the situation worse. Did you really think for one moment, that I was sitting around watching the trees? No, I was spending days on end doing everything in my power. I had all team members completely "spent" trying to make things go as smoothly and quickly as possible, for my clients, which includes you. I simply adore the comment you made about "Additionally check out how this breeder treats her customers". The only unhappy clients I have is some of the puppy buyers (no papers) and one other women who you know. My clients can and will vouch the valid point here. I am always honest with my clients, ask and I will tell. Fair in my dealings. Always there for my clients. Easy to deal with. Almost all my clients are more like friends. Also, there are many on this board who can vouch for my business ethics (other breeders who've I've worked with using stud dog, purchasing dogs, etc. I always do what I say I will. I am upfront and honest. You know that I respond to every eMail that requires my attention. You know I've been there to explain anything you had questions about. You got a healthy well bred dog. I CATER TO MY CLIENTS, weather you will admit it or not.

von Hayden Sheps

by von Hayden Sheps on 01 January 2009 - 18:01

Think about what I am saying...... Believe the person who's well known scam artist or believe the years of documentation that lays in my hands. I'd find it funny that you would listen to anyone else who wasn't even involved in this situation or for only part of it. I will not be posting again unless it requires my urgent attention in that case someone will report this urgency. Thank you again to all my supporters, you guys are awesome. Happy New Years....... I wish you and yours a happy, safe, and healthy New Year. I am going to spend the rest of the day with my family. Carolyn feel free to eMail or call anytime. You have the contacts, if not they are on the site.

von Hayden Sheps

by von Hayden Sheps on 01 January 2009 - 18:01


von Hayden Sheps

by von Hayden Sheps on 01 January 2009 - 18:01


von Hayden Sheps

by von Hayden Sheps on 01 January 2009 - 18:01

Opps, my computer froze and it sumbit too many times.

by bgstout on 01 January 2009 - 18:01

Am I reading this right, 1800.00 for a pet?  

by bgstout on 01 January 2009 - 19:01

I think the fault falls on the breeder of the litter.  If the seller can't come up with the papers pet quality or not they should offer a refund to the puppy owners and take full responsibility and stop passing the buck.  Not the puppy buyers fault the stud was bred without proper documentation.  All about the money not the breed.......1800.00?

von Hayden Sheps

by von Hayden Sheps on 01 January 2009 - 19:01

Yes, $1,800.00 which included delivery of 600+ miles away. Which we usually charge $500.00 to deliver a dog to that area. So, I included it for an additional $300.00.


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