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by steve1 on 03 March 2010 - 17:03

Seeing as i and the other Guys on here do not have a Clue about Dogs in general, Then please tell us what you have achieved with Dogs not just German Shepherds but any breed of Dog
 What you have you trained them to do,  what level in that field of work have you attained, for i guess you are the expert on this forum So i wonder if i write to Oil to ask him to give you a special part of the Forum just for you to answer all the Questions relating to Training Dogs in different fields i'e Schutzund Sport  for this is what this thread is mostly about i will have a lot of pertinent questions to put to you if you get your own space on here and i guess many others will also,
Then of course you can tell us how to handle and train Border Collie Dogs for working with Sheep and Trials There ears also do Down or Up at different times so you should know why and the reason for them doing so
And lastly you can tell us how to train Police Dogs for use in Police work you will be able to help Jim out quite a lot in the handling of his police dog Boomer, i bet he will be grateful to you just as i will
Now as you are the Expert among us i will expect you to have handled these Dogs and Trained them from a Small Puppy so please tell us what to look for if  say we want a Puppy for say ScH work ,
And just for interest what to look for in a litter if i want to train a pup for Sheep and Sheep Trials, Whist you are doing that Perhaps you can help me with the right time (Age) to start a Pup for becoming a Guide Dog for a Blind Person, and what you would do to help the Puppy along
 As you say i am a bit thick when it comes to Dogs so I will not know myself what to look for so your advice will put me on the right track
Lastly Perhaps i can get you to come over to Belgium if i pay your fare for a few Days to give me a demontration of your expertise in the sport of ScH,. i am sure the Guys but mostly me will be grateful if you show us where we are going wrong,and you will be able to give me one to one tution,  But be sure you are that good before making the trip


by sueincc on 03 March 2010 - 17:03

I am changing my post because I just read GSDpack's post below mine and I really think that says it all.  There is no point in saying anything more regarding the ears - other than

Anyway I'm heading out for some fresh air, tracking and work some more on dumbbells and send out.


by GSDPACK on 03 March 2010 - 17:03

Steve1.. let it go....just let it go

Held: one day you will know them, this day comes with trainig and hanging around people who actually trial and title the dogs, people who know HOW TO istead of havin other people make Videos for them and ...... attract people like yourself, the ultimate video guru. Yap, have a good one

Crap alderbach I watched it again I like it more and more.

Anyway yes, please post the trainig as it goes further I would like to see the results. I am actually excited because you girl is nice. I like good bitches.....


by Bob McKown on 03 March 2010 - 18:03


                Again what are your accomplishments? I,d love to see you doing work on a dog? not a smart ass reply but a honest question. You give lots of attitude but little substance. 

by Held on 03 March 2010 - 18:03

Steve1, first of all i am not an expert, and i never said that.But you have a right to belive whatever you want.

Also for you to belive that if someone have not accompolished any titles, they cannot know anything about dogs and dog training again goes to show what kind of mentality we are dealing with.

Also Slamdunc has access to some very good police dog trainers in the USA and he should be learning from them,but then again just cause you have access to some good trainers is not enough you still have to learn from them,knowing them isn't enough.

For someone like Slamdunc to have access to good polioce dog trainers and being a K9 copper,and make statement like "all dogs put their ears back when they bite"is wrong and tells me he still got some learning to do.

Steve this is just my opinion what i am saying about this dog and you have access to some of the best in the world to ask questions.You can always just say i disagree instead of going into talikg about Border Collie and sheep herding and whatever other crap you were rambling on about.Have a nice one.


by BabyEagle4U on 03 March 2010 - 18:03

I like that Bosco's video's too. Thanks for posting that website, thay have nice training clips. I like to learn different techniques watching video's. 

For the first time today, I got her to go forward and right over the jumps. Usually she waits for me take her forward and even then I have to be on the opposite side of the jump for her to go over it. Before she would go out around the jump for the object, now I got her to do it alone at least till she gets the object .. now coming back she only goes out around the jump. I'll keep working at it. That was easy enough in about 20 mins. DUH !!   LOL

Cool video's. Thanks.


by steve1 on 03 March 2010 - 18:03

No i thought you had achieved nothing in the Dog world except to just own one, i do not decry you for it thats your choice but you sure do slag off some of us who try to do things
.As for myself i am still earning every time i train, one never stops learning, But i learn in a practical way of ding it or i should say attempting to do it, I do not shout off if i have not tried something like this Table work with dogs we do not do it over here Possibly because no club that i know owns a Place indoors to train there Dogs, we train only on the work field 12 months a year Nights in the Winter twice a week, But it can be beneficial to Dogs i guess certainly Strut is none the worse for doing it, and you have a Guy who knows what he is doing that is the most important thing, So good Luck to Barb on that
Only last night i got home from training i was Frozen through, it was Damp, Dark and Minus 8 below Centigrade, and i was out in it working and watching for over 4 hours, I got home at 11.45 at night after a hot drink and a quick shower i went to bed , No way could i get warm, all night long i was warm but not warm meaning uncomfortable, The cold had eaten to the bones
and i said to myself is it all worth the effort at my age
Then i thought back on how Izzy had done so well that evening on Obed walking to heel and her attention etc and i said Yes, it is worth freezing for the satisfaction of getting the Pup to that stage and i said to myself the way she is going she will get her BH before the end of this year yet it is only a short time ago i put her Pic on here as a Puppy, That thought alone makes it all worth the effort and discomfort
I have not read all these posts on this subject for i am a sleep when you Guys are posting and it is not possible to follow it so easy, when you see a load of more posts
Still you will think what you will and so will i
For myself i am happy the way i handle Dogs now and how i did 60 years ago when i first got my first Pup Tiny a Bull Terrier + Mastiff
He was a great Dog with us Kids
However this was supposed to be a light hearted Fun thread of a young Dog working, It was not put on there for people to be negative or spoil the meaning of the Thread that i think is a great shame not nice for  Barb the owner of the Pup, what it will do is stop Folk posting there achievements of there Dogs on here, for they will think they will only get negative comments and reprisals, If the owner of a Dog is happy with there Pups Performance then so should we Guys be happy for them too

by Bob McKown on 03 March 2010 - 19:03


           Held, how many police k9,s have you trained I don,t care if you have titled anything. any PSA work? Personnel Protection? Decoy?  I,m not asking for your social security # .  What have you done with your own dogs? It,s easy to cut a person down for what they are doing or have done but at some point to prove a point you have to put up or shut up.?  

by Held on 03 March 2010 - 19:03

Once again dumbasses proving to me that when you do not have anything intelligent to add to the subjuect at hand,just resort to personal attacks.My accompolishments are not the subect of this thread and i know why you dumbasses cannot learn anything cause your memory is terrible ---i have mentioned before many times that i do not train for titles cause i do not givea shit about tiltles but i am always interested in learning how to train a dog properly.And i learn it from whoever has the best info and this web site is not it and if you were smart you would know that i have never come here looking for info.

Also i do hang around shutzhund club and that is where i have learned that people can do shutzhund and title their dogs and still havn't got a clue as to what properly training a dog is all about.I see your type all the time just learn to go through motions never mind what things acctually mean never really learning the theory before the practical,never really understanding the conept behind training techniques.Anyways,my head is hurting it happens when you bang it against the wall too much or too long. Have a nice one.

by adlerbach on 03 March 2010 - 20:03

Held, there are a ton of armchair cowboys out there.  Until you have proven yourself you really have no credibility regarding what you know or do not,  whether in the dog venue or any other like for instance----um-----medicine---- as I am a physician is my work life.  Degrees and titles are not everything but they certainly prove a certain baseline knowledge which it appears is more than you can do.

At this point I hope that all others will refrain from responding to Held about this thread.  As the person who chose to put this video on the board, I thank all the folks who commented and ask that we move on to other things.  Barb


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