Jerky treats leave nearly 600 dogs dead in 'mysterious outbreak', FDA says - Page 2

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by joanro on 23 October 2013 - 17:10

Bee, I don't buy it. There was a story on the tv this morning that said The FDA was working on a solution to dogs being poisoned, and going to China to get them to improve the processing of the "treats"...China refused to let them into the plants or some other BS. Anyway, if you read my first post on here, I said people ought to use their brains and stop feeding garbage to their dogs, then this crap won't be killing any more dogs or making them sick.
China' 'food culture' has nothing to do with the poison garbage they are selling in the US as dog treats.


by Hundmutter on 23 October 2013 - 18:10

MMmmm, maggots ... extra protein ?Sick


by Blaineric on 23 October 2013 - 19:10

Gettin' pretty tired of hearing the whole "burping is a compliment" thing in my culture. It could have been probably a few hundred years ago? Not sure, wasn't alive then. Burping at the dinner table is rude and a bit disgusting if it's loud and obnoxious. At least that's how it is at my table, and with my parents, grandparents, their grand parents, relatives, etc.

And I've never heard the whole 'don't eat your rice for last' thing. It tastes better when you pair it with all the other dishes anyway...

by beetree on 23 October 2013 - 21:10

We'll, I happen to have an excellent China connection, but feel free to believe what you want! 

And and I am not condoning any of the Bad practices, merely stating what I know. I saw one of these care2complain emails complaining about live crabs being sold in vending machines, it does boggle my mind,too.  That was just, wrong to me, but to them? 


erin j

by erin j on 23 October 2013 - 21:10

Here in the south, PEOPLE eat pig ears, feet and even tails.. LOL Let me tell you, you'll get a shock seeing a pack of tails..They uh, resemble certain male, human reproductive organs.. Oh and don't forget the chicken gizzards and feet.. And turkey necks.. Welcome to the south ;)

by joanro on 23 October 2013 - 21:10

Erin, those things are COOKED before most humans eat them...check out how that same crap is prepared for dogs to ingest. It's not digestible and the the raw , dried crap is full of bacteria and pathogens that the unsuspecting humans who handle them before giving them to the dogs get contaminated with. it just isn't the same, what you mentioned eating and the dog treats.

by beetree on 23 October 2013 - 21:10

The Chinese aren't going to be dictated to, but they can be advised. Just a hint.

Oh, and Erin, yes, one meal presented as a specialty was.... rooster dick.....! I kid you not!
And if you do eat the rice at the end of the meal... they will keep bringing you more!.... So, make of it what you will.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 23 October 2013 - 21:10

"Keith, excuse me, but I do seem to remember you receiving some freeze dried chicken type treats for one of your pups, can't remember which pup, but, when you complained to a certain company about the cost that was mismarked... they sent you some free, and you said your dog loved them!"

Please do some research on the likelihood of pathogens in freeze-dried...ugh...anything.


by joanro on 23 October 2013 - 21:10

Bee, you are either making things up, or somebody is telling flash....roosters are penis-less. That's right, a rooster does not have a penis, so no "rooster dick specialty."

erin j

by erin j on 23 October 2013 - 22:10

Hey cooked or raw, I'm not eating that crap!! LoL..But I have to say can't be worse than what my dogs drag home to eat.. Various stages of decomposed animal carcasses, guts from dressed deer.. Heck Oso had an armadillo shell he was chewing on the other day.. And that's on top of all the critter doo doo they eat.. I've got some nasty farm dogs!! Makes you wonder what has been done to those treats to get those dogs sick?


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