Jerky treats leave nearly 600 dogs dead in 'mysterious outbreak', FDA says - Page 3

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by beetree on 23 October 2013 - 22:10

No, I am not making it up. Whatever is comparable to a rooster dick. Must have been an euphemism. I wasn't there. Maybe it was rooster balls.... something like that? What makes sperm in a rooster? LOL Something in that category... And not on our menu! It was prepared with respect for the guest of honor!  LOL  But they do not let any parts go to waste... just saying...I will confirm exactly tomorrow IF you really want to know, it has been a while since the story was told. But it is no lie! This is the land of the sea cumcumber and the 100 year old egg! LOL  Give me any question as a matter of fact, about any food in Beijing or Shanghai, I can, and will get back to you.

Well, Keith, you do not deny your bonus freebie!  However you say yuck! 


by joanro on 23 October 2013 - 22:10

Melamine, Erin, most likely melamine again/still/yet.
I don't worry about my dogs finding and eating carrion, perfectly natural. But that sh1t coming out of China is toxic.

by beetree on 23 October 2013 - 23:10

The melamine was added to baby formula, too, and those people responsible were executed, who made that decision, now weren't they?

erin j

by erin j on 23 October 2013 - 23:10

China even had lead paints used on toys just recently.. Also they have just recently started thinking of dogs as "pets".. So I am sure their thoughts on what is okay to fed dogs, is vastly different.. We treat and feed "food" animals way different than we do "pet" animals.. Best to just buy local, fresh and known ingredients..

by joanro on 23 October 2013 - 23:10

Bee, can you say, "scapegoat" ? Wasn't only baby formula (that killed babies in China, so the Chinese gov wasn't too happy about that) but it was/is, in gluten. Gluten is used in restaurants and is in just about every processed food product you can imagine.

by joanro on 23 October 2013 - 23:10

Bee, I didn't say you were lying...making up a story or being told a story. But I really don't care what was prepared for the guest of honor.
Some people eat calf balls here, so it's not shocking that the Chinese might eat itty, bitty rooster balls. LOL. Not a 'big deal'. LOl.


by mollyandjack on 23 October 2013 - 23:10

The contamination and adulteration of food with foreign substances is not a new thing - it was widespread in Western society as well until we developed some safeguards.

Best advice is the same now as it was then...grow your own, know your farmer, buy local....

by sunshine on 24 October 2013 - 01:10

Thanks Bee for the link to the freeze dried tripe.  I ordered some right away.  I did not even know that they had freeze dried tripe.  Thank you. 

As far as any products manufactured in China, I boycott them on principle.  I have a big problem with all the GSDs imported to China and seeing the clips of GSDs skinned alive for meat and coat.  I will never understand why anyone would sell a dog there.  If the dog does not finally wind up in the cook pot, what about any progeny?  

The saddest thing ever was when 2X's VA1 Yasko wound up being sold for was it $14,000? to Korea when he should have been retired into a family home.   We all have different values I guess.



by Hundmutter on 24 October 2013 - 02:10

Before this thred gets any more xenophobic, can I just point out
that the Chinese do NOT have a monopoly in using dodgy chemical
preservative processes and bleaching, in either dog foods and treats
or human foods, or anything else ?  Plenty of British and American firms
have been caught out over the years ...

Bee: "100 yr old eggs" are not a hundred years old.  I've seen Ken Hom
explain the recipe on TV, they are maybe weeks old at the most, and
that is only when they have been sitting around  -   in a commercial
preservative   -  on a shop / restaurant shelf.

by beetree on 24 October 2013 - 08:10

Hundmutter, "100 year old eggs" are not really that old? LOLTeeth Smile  When I was younger we actually tried to make some! I am still waiting for them to be done! Wink Smile


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