dog jumped over neighbors fence. ( Graphic Images, page 2 of this thread) - Page 5

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by Blitzen on 01 July 2014 - 19:07

How about just staying outside with one end of the dog on a leash and the owner holding on to the other end?

by joanro on 01 July 2014 - 19:07

Zoning my hind foot!  Don't ask, just do it. Nobody will even know it's there in all likelihood...if hot wire is against code, tying a dog out probly is too. Man, all this pc crap....if dictators do learn about, what's going to happen? They gonna put you in prison? No wonder this country is getting so communist ....everybody running to ask permission to do anything on their own property they pay taxes on...nothing like giving the bastards the power to say no !

by joanro on 01 July 2014 - 19:07

Blitzen, some people don't get it without graphics.

by Blitzen on 01 July 2014 - 19:07

EVERYTHING has to be complicated, Joanro Sad Smile.

When I got my first purebreds I had no fence, walked all 3 of them on a long leash. It took more time than opening the door and turning them out and I wasn't exactly an experieced dog owner then. But I did have common sense.Dog might  run off?  Well, don't give it the chance..KEEP HIM ON A LEASH!!! Duh.....

by beetree on 01 July 2014 - 20:07

SickThose graphics were too much. You should just use a link if you need to shock people with gruesome deaths.I prefer that choice be left up to my own self, thanks.


by Paul15 on 01 July 2014 - 23:07

Lots of ideas. I have changed his routine. He goes out with me and we play two ball until he has had some exercise. His focus is on the ball. My neighbor is keeping his son's pug. So I put Balko on a 10 m line.His attention is still on the ball. not the pug like before.Pug only comes a few times a  year. So I noticed some people a mile away were putting up a new kennel with those welded panels from Tractor supply. I dont let my 9 year old GSD go out with him anymore. Balko is now realizing he is no longer alpha in the yard with me. So he is still trying to figure out what is going on. But I like the kennel with some privacy shrubs.

But he wont go over that fence again.Twice I left the gate open to the outside world. They both headed for parts unknown. I got them back. It was my fault and I had to make sure I dont do that again. So I figured out how to change my behavior to solve that problem.

He no longer has the run of the back yard.

by Blitzen on 02 July 2014 - 00:07

You are doing everything right, Paul. Your dog is lucky to have you for  his owner.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 02 July 2014 - 00:07

Hallelujah pass the gravey....and


tip from a pro: Never Discipline during the learning phase

Maintain Trust between Handler and Dog

Correction must be fair

Charlie Meszaros: International and National trainer competitor...Aceofnike van het Bleekhof owner





by Prager on 02 July 2014 - 17:07

For those of you who were upset by the site of the dead dogs I would like to say that:" Picture is worth thousand words." I have seen dead dogs like this and I do not want to go through this. 

Believe me,  I have told people what not to do in restraining dogs. And guess what! Their dog got killed which jumping the fence  with chain on and hanging itself. And then I ghad to take my dead dog of the fence. it sucks much more then to look  at pictures which you will hopefully never forget.

 My dog when I was in NY state jumped a fence with 2 barbed wires on top and his leg got garroted and he was hanging upside down until i went to the back yard and rescued him he was fine but would be dead if I would decided  not to check on him when I did. 

 I do not want you to forget what I am saying . Thus the unforgettable graphic pictures.  I hope they are seared in your mind. It is akin Mothers against drink driving shownig you deadly accidents. They are gruesome, indeed. I am sorry for that.

Also I believe that we owe to those dead animals one thing . Make sure that their death was not totally in wain.  Learn from their death to protect our dogs. believe me it is much worse to see your dog dead on under fence then to look at the pictures here and never to  put your dog in such situation. Being PC may cause you dog life. So I shocked you by not being PC into never to do this .  OH  alow me to shock you one more time. Your dog can drown in unfamiliar pool where he does not know how to or can not, get out.

 Here is little heart warming video as a therapy:

​ Prager Hans

by beetree on 02 July 2014 - 18:07

What a jerk of a statement, Prager. Some of us more visually sensitive types don't want the nightmares. You are just rude to ignore that fact in others with your putrified overload. You are like the National Enquirer of persuasion, if that is the only way to get across a point. Didn't change my mind, one iota. Only reinforced you being a jerk. There is a line of decency and you crossed it. Why they are allowed still to stay, shows a flaw. IMHO


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