Alteration of Pedigree- Corado z Vetrovej lúky - Page 9

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GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 01 October 2014 - 01:10


Pirates Lair

by Pirates Lair on 01 October 2014 - 01:10

It is sad, now be a good little boy and go to bed.

Good night!



by hexe on 01 October 2014 - 02:10

Good heavens, Kim, you've really allowed either rage or financial interest to cloud your eyes on this one. [I only mention the financial angle because you raised it yourself earlier in this thread--but because you've always generally shown yourself to be about the dogs, I'm inclined to chalk it up to anger]. 

If you don't want people to comment in this thread, then perhaps you shouldn't have hung your shingle out for all to read.  Whether you can see it or not at the moment, if this is the only discourse on this site that someone were to read, they would come away with an impression of you as a very petty, very blustering, very demanding and very churlish individual indeed.

Silly man, I did do my research, and I did know your dog is on loan @ that location for breeding purposes, which, as I pointed out, is a very large feather in his pirate hat. Precisely the reason why your outrage makes little to no sense--it's not as if someone was alleging that Rush was at the Keystone Kops K9 Breeding Station [or perhaps, given recent events, as an example of someplace one might be embarrassed to have a dog standing at stud, it would be more apt to use the FBI's K9 Breeding Station]. But with all of your indignancy, I wondered if perhaps something had changed and the dog was no longer there, or his being there had become a state secret.

Certainly didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition over the whole thing.     

Pirates Lair

by Pirates Lair on 01 October 2014 - 03:10


You are obviously incapable of understanding the possible ramifications of this thread, because if you do have a dog......who would want to change it's pedigree and why?   Ask me.... ask me.....I'll tell you why! 

Go back, and read what ......not I.........but BZ said!  Very simple!

And why, since you are so insistent in keeping this alive (cause ya'll ain't got no dog in this fight) are you not calling upon the forum member responsible for the UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OF OUR DOGS PEDIGREE to enter this thread?

You and GSD Admin. are creating more problems for them, than you realize................not me!!!!!!!

If in fact you have a dog, for God's sake take it for a walk.

Let me share a little story with you.......and you let me know if you can comprehend the real message behind it okay.

Once upon a a K9 Pirates Lair far far away from the wee little pathetic world of the PDB a very wise man said "Give me love, give me hate....just don't give me indifference".

Think about a logical explanation as to why you want to keep this thread going and you get back to me okay.

Now go brush your teeth, wash your hands and go to bed.




GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 01 October 2014 - 03:10

Yes, daddy we will all go to bed, because you don't want to hear the truth. The truth hurts and please quit cutting down this site. I get it you don't like me, I will not lose sleep over it and I will go to bed when I want not when someone on the internet says I should.

You seem to forget this is the internet and things happen on the net, whether you like them or not. Now why don't you take your own advice and go to bed. Night night sweetie.  Kiss


by Jenni78 on 01 October 2014 - 03:10

Do all the patients have internet access? 

by BahCan on 01 October 2014 - 03:10 just made me LMFAO

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 01 October 2014 - 03:10

Only when we get our meds.

Pirates Lair

by Pirates Lair on 01 October 2014 - 04:10

For a Moderator,

You seem to take a great interest in me.

Jenni- don't you have another stalker to deal with?  After all.....according to you......every man in the world wants you! LOL, LOL

For the last time, let it go......I have politelty dealt with the Forum Member who altered our Dogs Pedigree Without our Permission and accepted their explanation!

This is Moderation (little bullying) at it's Finest Hour!

You picked a Winner Oli

But noooooooooo. little gsd admin has to continue this because after all.......they were a star ping pong player in high school and Jenni was the Prom Queen and Head Cheerleader.

All of you people are a JOKE!!!

But hey....don't stop....because I got all night!






GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 01 October 2014 - 04:10

Enjoy and have some fun. Bullying? I tried to tell you from the beginning this happens all the time. Just revert it back and send them a PM, you proceeded to berate me and carry on and on and on and on. I really don't know why and I really don't care. If you felt so jacked up about this why make it public? Why not just contact GSDLineage or any admin and let them deal with it (which BTW is how 99.9% of all people would have handled it), you keep saying stop but you won't stop. Go ahead and get the last word as you have said numerous times you are done.

I am done and have tried to help but you really didn't want help, for whatever reason. Goodnight Mr. Kim Moore.


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