Does WDA still exist and putting on trials/shows? - Page 4

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by Dog1 on 21 February 2016 - 13:02

Similar thing happened with the sieger show. As the GSDCA takes over the management of the SV programs, there's going to be some growing pains. We see some of these pains in this example and the sieger show example. The people setting up the event are experienced and capable of running the affair as has been done in the past, the way it was done in the past.

In comes the GSDCA with their way of doing an event and the two don't mix. GSDCA is reluctant to relinquish their system and way of doing things and you loose your key SV people as we see here in this example and the sieger show.


by susie on 21 February 2016 - 15:02

You don´t get the point, Hundmutter.
Momo suggested WDA to circumvent membership of SV by becoming member of IRO.

There IS a corporation, a couple of our judges are recognized by IRO, but it´s strictly restricted to SAR, nothing else., no matter if they are SV IPO judges, too.

IRO is not involved in IPO, it´s a 100% SAR club, and I doubt the members of WDA want to stop IPO and start SAR exclusively...

Dog1, I guess they will learn - it´s new, and it´s not always easy to think different...

by Bavarian Wagon on 21 February 2016 - 16:02

That's unfortunate, but completely understandable after what happened with GSDCA/WDA and the WUSV in 2013. I was a member of a local GSDCA club and it was apparent that performance events weren't at the top of their list. Anyone doing Schutzhund was definitely a second class member and the most important thing every year was the specialty conformation show even though it coincided with an obedience trial that brought in more entries and money, the focus was always on the conformation. I don't see any reason for that to change. Although there have been signs of progress, knowing the types of people that run those organizations and the things they find important, I'm not surprised to see a huge step back.

I'm not sure what the financials look like but I'm assuming that the WDA/Schutzhund portion of the membership probably hasn't contributed that much to the bank account at this point. They're also the minority of the membership and it's not surprising that the board doesn't want to put out money for an event that last year had less than 20 participants and that included IPO1 and IPO2.

It will be interesting to see how the organization balances the interests of its membership in the future, I don't see the established majority giving up control very easily.


by Hundmutter on 21 February 2016 - 16:02

Sorry Susie - I thought Momo was arguing that BECAUSE that
co-operative relationship exists, there was some EARLIER and
WIDER decision about the two different sections working closer
together, thus giving theoretical 'room' for using 'dual recognised
judges' in this attempt to circumvent the SV. No ?

Like you, I thought that illogical.
I would have thought that, on past practise, 'everyone' would know
about such an arrangement, if it existed/still was in force; the SV is
not well known for applying its regulations differently to its different
member clubs, in that minority of nations where more than one exists.

The UK has two SV member-clubs; the UK has an active SAR community;
never heard of any such 'dual judges'.

Even if it did once exist in Momo's memory, it clearly doesn't NOW, so why
was Momo so hot to 'correct' you ?


by susie on 21 February 2016 - 20:02

I guess sometimes documents aren´t translated correctly - makes it difficult for outlanders to follow German thoughts.


by rtdmmcintyre on 22 February 2016 - 00:02

I have had GSDs for a few years now. Was going to switch from Dobermans. I have some very nice ones I have never seen such infighting, back biting and out right sabotage until coming around the IPO community. So many are their own worst enemy. So many trainers can't train unless they are using a pinch collar or an e-collar. GSDs are supposed to be the third most intelligent breed. If they are then are the trainers that bad that they have to resort to an e-collar on the simplest of commands? IPO proves nothing. If a police dog tracked like they do they would never find anyone. A criminal could out walk them, would never have to run. I'm not even going to start on the protection work. This is the way it is going to continue until the general population in these communities finally say enough and truly ban together to make a change. And as long as you all bicker back and forth over petty differences the numbers will continue to decline.


by beetree on 22 February 2016 - 00:02

I just want to say—Hello to Reggie! One for my bucket list. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Never mind me, carry... on!

by Bavarian Wagon on 22 February 2016 - 14:02

Reggie...the organizations have never been bigger. Numbers aren't shrinking, they’re growing pretty consistently. The only people that mention the “facts” in your posts are those that aren’t involved, sit on the internet and read other people’s negative propaganda, and believe and repeat all of those things because they failed at IPO and need a reason to tell people why they don’t do it anymore other than their own failure.

If one was still involved in IPO training they’d know that there really isn’t much fighting. Most people are happy to train, happy to trial, and can get the help they need if they’re willing to find it and work at it. The majority of the membership has no idea about the politicking that goes on at the national level or even within their own region. Most of that stuff doesn’t affect the person that shows up to club once a week and trials at their own club trial every year. For those people, it’s the individuals in their clubs that affect if they stick around or not and that’s not something that the “IPO world” itself has much control over.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 22 February 2016 - 15:02

"The only people that mention the “facts” in your posts are those that aren’t involved, sit on the internet and read other people’s negative propaganda, and believe and repeat all of those things because they failed at IPO and need a reason to tell people why they don’t do it anymore other than their own failure."


Exactly.  It's easy to be critical of IPO when you and your dogs don't have what it takes to achieve any success in the sport or to criticize others' choice of training tools when you don't do any training of any consequence.  But hey, keep cranking out those puppies!  An image


by bubbabooboo on 22 February 2016 - 17:02

Spot on for the IPO training methods and what IPO titles mean for breeding better GSD .. NOTHING!!! Reggie is telling it like it is .. IPO is full of cheats, liars, and egotistical jerks. If anyone wants to show me the real membership numbers for the SV for the last 20 years then do so .. dropped from over 100K to now around 50K in 20 years or less. The GSDCA is treating everyone in IPO like they did the GSDCA-WDA after they worked theirs butts off putting on the WUSV that the GSDCA had contracted with the SV to host. The USCA has always lied about their membership and now has about 30% ghost clubs ( on the books but really part of another club ). Nothing has changed in the 15 years I have been around IPO except the same liars are 15 years older. No new people coming into IPO and the average members age is over 55 which means IPO should merge with AARP in the USA. The GSDCA clubs are corrupt and self serving which is why out of a US population of 4 million GSD less than 10K dogs are part of all the GSD clubs combined.


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