Can an ADMIN please post about pedigree locking...getting hate mail. - Page 2

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by Hundmutter on 21 January 2016 - 07:01

Reliya / Mods - it has always struck me that adding
that sort of new info would be great use of the (under-
used) Comments lines; avoids 'interfering' with the
body of the pedigree. Don't know why more members
haven't already done that !


by Reliya on 21 January 2016 - 08:01

Cool. Hopefully, I start a trend. Haha. :)


by TIG on 21 January 2016 - 19:01

Note I have done that in the past when there was blatantly wrong info re health status or title status and it could be confirmed thru a reliable source - ofa, raad, sv etc.

guess what you still get hate mail and get accused of being a hip Nazi etc. Such is the way of life and of insecure if not deliberately deceiving people. They r all about themselves and have no interest in being a breed steward and creating a reliable high quality db which helps us all.


by Hundmutter on 22 January 2016 - 06:01

Ah Tig that's so sad, but I fear you are 100% correct
about many users of the dbase. Lets hope that
doesn't happen to Reliya on this occasion !
Jenni, I'm sure you will rise above the freaks'
comments, most unpleasant for you, commiserations.
I'd love the only people who get interested in this
breed to be well-intentioned (and well-mannered)
folk, but unfortunately we seem to have a lot of that
other sort.


by Reliya on 22 January 2016 - 07:01

I think it all comes down to greed. Some people only see other living things as a way to get money, but that's going off topic and pretty morbid, so I'll just leave it at that.
Also, I don't respond to hate mail. If a person wants to be angry, nothing you say will change that. It's better to not get worked up over it and let them seethe to themselves. But then again, I don't have a business or reputation to defend. I mostly just lurk around here.


by Hundmutter on 22 January 2016 - 07:01

Its possible to be angry / get cross about something
someone says or does (or plans to do) without turning
nasty. You can say "I think that's wrong" without telling
people they are liars or calling them names. Agree about
not giving these irate people a reaction !


by Jenni78 on 22 January 2016 - 18:01

Oh, it wasn't all that bad....just irrational and shooting from the hip, which is never a good thing when you're wrongly accusing people. And I don't need 3 different messages in different forms all saying the same thing. That's a temper tantrum.

I feel sorry for people who are so negative all the time and so suspicious that they assume something sordid at the slightest thing.

The comments are gone now. Not sure who deleted them but they're gone.

mrdarcy (admin)

by mrdarcy on 22 January 2016 - 18:01

I deleted them as the pedigree section is not for those sort of comments......deleted but copied and the member has been PM'd about those comments.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 23 January 2016 - 18:01

I believe the system is in place to ask for edit rights. You will see it in the pedigree owner information.


by Dawulf on 24 January 2016 - 00:01

Am I missing it? I see the "see edit requests for dogs you've created" link, but it takes me to a 404 error page...


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