Bite suit - Page 1

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by Shawnicus on 16 July 2016 - 19:07

My 13 month old male ,second Time on full suit , love this boy ... A 92 pound furmissle



by Mithuna on 16 July 2016 - 19:07

The vid is not playing


by Shawnicus on 16 July 2016 - 19:07


by bubbabooboo on 16 July 2016 - 21:07

Sorry .. looked like a sleeve bite on a man in a bite suit .. the dog had no intention to bite elsewhere .. the dog went a long way out of the way to get to the arm because that is what he knows.  Many bite suit trained dog would have gone center mass upper back or a thigh or calf bite.  Nothing wrong with the dog or what he did but it was not what most would consider a good bite suit choice of location from the dog.  Takes a lot more than wearing a bite suit to get a dog ready for proper bite suit work and IPO training is not sufficient for preparing for a bite suit.  In general a bite suit trained dog has less trouble switching to sleeve bites than vice versa.  I mean it's not hard for the dog to know that the Sta-Puff marshmallow man is good for bites anywhere and the dude with the sleeve wants you to bite the sleeve and nothing else.  That's the reason the police use hidden sleeves so that the dog does not get sleeve happy. 


by Shawnicus on 16 July 2016 - 23:07

Again before you go bashing the dog , read the description , 2nd time on a full suit transitioning from a sleeve ( basics )  I can assure you he bites anywhere on the suit hard and full mouth.. Not to mention this dog is not even 15 months old , this video is over a month old..


by bubbabooboo on 17 July 2016 - 00:07

Good for you and perhaps even good for the dog .. the video was a clear sleeve bite and that is what I commented on. The helper in the bite suit plays the major role in determining where the dog bites not the dog .. most dogs take the closest and biggest target offered in a bite suit unless trained to take certain bite locations which like a sleeve trained dog introduces a whole new set of problems if that preferred target location is not easily accessible. A skilled decoy in a bite suit works at getting a new dog to take bites in several locations and trains the dog how and where to take bites. Your dog went out of his way to get to the arm in the video which suggested he was preconditioned for arm bites by sleeve training likely for IPO. Many IPO dogs won't bite unless there is a sleeve and will chase the sleeve in preference to the decoy or helper and that is not news to anyone. Pretending that an IPO dog is a protection dog is a beginner mistake that a lot of people make .. unless you can get the bad guy to wear a sleeve most IPO dogs are not so good at real protection. Many of them will bite for real but the IPO training outside obedience is more of a hindrance than a help.

Q Man

by Q Man on 17 July 2016 - 01:07

I don't think anyone was bashing the dog...I think Bubba... was just saying what he saw in the dog...
I think it's a very nice dog...but he did target the arm...So that's not bad at this point in time...It's just what he showed in the short video...He might hit other places too but in this video he showed he was going for the arm...
And as you say he had only been on the bite suit a few times...So he's young and's always a learning curve...
Videos are great tools for seeing what the dog and "Helper" are doing and how to proceed from that point on...Depending on what your goals are...And it's nice to have experienced people say what they see and sometimes say how they'd move forward...



by Shawnicus on 17 July 2016 - 01:07

A dog needs to have basic and Proper foundation in biting first and foremost , u don't start by turning a dog on a suit , that creates bad biting habits .. It's a gradual transition from a rag, to a wedge to a sleeve and so on.. U don't pick up boxing for the first time and right away jump into sparring do you ? This dog will bite anything regardless , I will post more videos ... He's a very powerful /talented young dog just needs maturing and more time on the suit as this was his second try at it  .. And no he's not a IPO dog Or training for it  , he's a Leo dog in training and is frequently worked in civil and even muzzle fighting. But thanks for your input.


by Mithuna on 17 July 2016 - 01:07

Thumbs UpShawnicus


by bubbabooboo on 17 July 2016 - 04:07

And that is what leg bite sleeves or leg bars are for .. IPO type work with an arm sleeve does not prepare a dog for bite suit work it prepares them for chasing a sleeve and nothing else as they get deducted points for touching the helper anywhere else but the sleeve in IPO. Ring sport trainers ( they use bite suits ) often start puppies and young dogs on leg work with a leg sleeve or leg bite bar and skip the arm sleeve for later as they don't want their puppies to get focused on the arm as it is a poor value target that is easy to miss while legs are not both going in different directions at the same time and aiming center mass chest or back seldom produces misses. About all I can say about LEO and military work is that the more I learn about the truth of how the dogs are used and abused the less I like LEO work or what used to be called "peace officer work" before SWAT and K9's teams started being used excessively and often doing more harm than good. There are a lot of police dogs being used in unethical and criminal (except for police apparently ) ways. I don't want my dogs going into police or military work anymore.


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