Training and development - very interesting ! - Page 1

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by susie on 12 January 2017 - 18:01


I posted this on the "magic wand" thread, but either nobody is interested in that topic any longer, or my link is not interesting enough...


Once again, in this link you are able to see the training / development of a single working dog - it´s VERY interesting, and for sure helpful for anybody who is not involved into dog sport.

I am no "fan" of that much prey, but the training in itself it great.

So now once again:

I know we are far off topic by now, but we talked about IPO, and we talked about KNPV.

There is a really more than interesting sequence of videos about one dog - Arrak´s Home Idefix - maybe the best video taped training from puppy to adult dog. I guess the former owner doesn´t mind - I really admire his training, handling, and decoy skills.

You will need some time to go through all the vids, but I promise, it´s worth the time, will make you think twice about training.

Off topic: I love the little girl, she is able to become a great handler.


by Hundmutter on 12 January 2017 - 19:01

Caution - low flying Mali pup !

Yes Susie they are interesting vids, but in many ways no more and no less instructive to an
'outsider' * i.e. non-competitor * than many others I have seen. Good to see the develoment over several months of one dog, though. That isn't something we find often. One lesson many decoys (helpers) could take on board is how to be more proactive, and downright noisy, than is often the case, as it looks as if there are benefits from that !

However, some of his other dogs/vids have some interesting edits ... for example when the girl handler is running one of them over raised tables ( a useful skill for a dog if it is training to search for drugs or explosives, eg in a mail sorting office or airport), at the point where he's crossed the room to come back down the side nearer the viewer, he looks straight into the camera ...and my guess (from the look in his eyes) is he took a pop at the cameraman immediately after that, but the film cuts off. I'd have liked to see how the kid handled that, IF she managed to do so.



by susie on 12 January 2017 - 20:01

"... but in many ways no more and no less instructive to an 'outsider' * i.e. non-competitor * than many others I have seen."

That´s more than sad.

It´s not about the breed, it´s not even about IPO/KNPV ( Idefix titled PH1 with 434 out of 435 points...)

Those vids are a internet highlight, a very, very good trainer willing to show his personal style of raising and training his own dog.
It´s about socialisation, drives, temperament, trust, body language - it´s about almost everything.


by BlackMalinois on 12 January 2017 - 20:01

Nice found great malinois breed by himself , proven quality trainer and decoy,  Marc Peeters

by vk4gsd on 12 January 2017 - 20:01

A lot there, will take some time. Thanks for link.


by Hundmutter on 12 January 2017 - 21:01

And there are others out there. For instance, the vids Kaffirdog puts up; very similar in style of training, no macho problems, with kindness and rewards as part of the method (and no reliance on e collars, either). The viewer has to be discriminating about what one chooses to adopt for one's own training methods; whether or not you stop at obedience or other bits, or if you choose to go on to bitework. T'was ever thus. People can watch these and STILL put ignorant arguments on about whether the producer has it correctly about which drive the dog is in, etc, if they wish to take issue / excuse different, less educated & harsher approaches to their training.

Not discouraging this particular breeder from putting up good vids (although I do not see why I should be uncritical of his editing etc where I see issues, just so that no one ever says anything negative).

All I am pointing out is that the viewer has to be prepared to be swayed by a demonstrated argument, and if they are not already, this series will not do any more to convert them than any other vid of good training skills does.


by susie on 12 January 2017 - 21:01

Hundmutter, you don´t understand what I tried to say -
those videos show training in perfection, the goal ( IPO / KNPV ) doesn´t matter - have you ever seen that intense training videos about one dog shown online about that long period of time? From 8 weeks to PH1
There are 1000s of so called training videos online - but all of them only show one session, maybe two or three, here you are able to follow a dog from puppyhood to adulthood raised and trained by one of the most talented trainers.
It´s absolutely great - I could watch the videos again and again.


by Hundmutter on 12 January 2017 - 22:01

I already praised the element of putting up a full series of progress with the one puppy. You're right, there aren't enough like that about. Fonzy is probably one trainer who has come closer to it than anyone else 'regular' to PDb.

Susie, that does not negate any of the other points I have just tried to make.

by beetree on 13 January 2017 - 15:01

Hund... as soon as you wrote, "but" you negated everything said before it and rained on Susie's parade.

She is recommending these vids to be helpful and instructive because she found them interesting! You never start a post of your own, ever, for some reason but that doesn't mean you can't start one of your own if you want to recommend others' vids that you find (more) interesting.

I, for some reason --am not getting the vids from the links to play. Will have to try later on with the desktop computer. Susie, the idea is very interesting in that a complete progression has been captured and beginners will benefit from that. No matter if the one you like isn't the only one, you being the one doing the recommending has its own authority.

by vonrivera on 13 January 2017 - 16:01

Thank you for sharing!! Very awesome. I have recently started training in APA (American Politiehond Association). It is very similar to KNPV. This is a great resource for training videos.


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