Color genetics.. Learned something new ! - Page 1

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by Jyl on 12 June 2017 - 05:06

I was talking to a relative on the phone about color genetics in German Shepherds. This relative has never had a GSD and never trained or bred one.. Is not very knowledgeable with the breed in general.

Well I told him that the puppy I have is solid black.. And both my puppy's sire and dam are black so therefore the only color the sire and dam can produce when bred together is BLACK. I have been involved in the GSD breed for 22 years and train and compete in IPO.

Well all this time I am WRONG! 😮.. Two solid blacks, when bred together,  in fact (according to my relative) can produce sables or Black and Tans. All this time I only thought two solid blacks bred together can ONLY produce black puppies!

All this time and study I have done on genetics is wrong! We learn new things every day!!! Lol

(Note sarcasm in this post)

(P.S. - I know genetics and know two blacks bred together can ONLY produce black. Just had to rant! Ok, rant done!)

by Swarnendu on 12 June 2017 - 05:06

Two solid blacks can produce white puppies, though.


by Mindhunt on 12 June 2017 - 13:06

I am laughing with you.  I have been told by people who do not have experience with the breed to:

1. "Never feed them raw meet, it will make them vicious and crave human flesh!"

2. "Always instill fear in them or they will become vicious and never listen to you and they will become dangerous and dominate you and run the show."

3. "They are vicious and should always be muzzled around young children, infants, old people, and small animals."

4. "They make terrible pets"

5.  "OMG they are vicious killing machines, that is why cops use them."

7.  "Black GSDs are the most dangerous", "only buy black and tans", "The weird black and brown zebra patterned ones are just crazy, I mean just look at the color, it's just crazy like they are."

Those are the top ones, I could go on lol.



by Hundmutter on 12 June 2017 - 14:06

Wonder if this is mostly a Shepherd thing, or whether there are other breeds where they are constantly assailed by the voices of the ignorant ?

This continuing pontificating about our breed by non-owners, of which they actually know nothing, cannot be just down to the continuing effects of the media war on the breed, surely ? Do, e.g., the Rottie people get a never-ending stream of claims about that breeds litter size, colour patterns, temperament, diet, etc, etc ?

And is there any link, do posters believe, with that inordinate number of people who tell you a dog bit them, as a child - and that dog was (99% of the time, and rather unlikely for that) - a GSD ?

by adhahn on 13 June 2017 - 20:06

quote- "Wonder if this is mostly a Shepherd thing, or whether there are other breeds where they are constantly assailed by the voices of the ignorant ?"


It's most definately not just a GSD thing. It's not limited to non-owners either. Sometimes owners or even so-called 'breeders' spout off nonsense and propagate myths.


A few myths about Dobermanns that refuse to die-

-Their skulls stop growing but the brain doesn't so eventually the pressure inside their head makes them go crazy.

- The legitimaticy of oversize dogs ("Warlocks")

- Need to keep them isolated, treat them mean, etc in order to bring out agression

- They are high risk for turning on the owner


I don't know about other breeds but I suspect they all have stupid nonsense that gets passed off as "facts" by some people.



by Hundmutter on 14 June 2017 - 08:06

@adhahn: suspected that might be the case !!!


It IS odd about the childhood dog bites thing, though, isn't it ?


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