News Update of WHAT HAPPENED TO Athos vom haus Sevens and Vinetta von Karthago. Are they alive? - Page 31

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by Donnerstorm on 25 August 2011 - 17:08

WOW Did I miss a lot!! I am assuming because i said I would get the dog back several of those comments were directed at me also.  You notice in previous posts I asked who has the papers, was the dog paid for is there a contract etc.  If the dog has not been paid for and there is a contract you can repo your dog, maybe people should start putting that in their contracts (some of us do).  The thing I find the oddest is it is generally not the parties involved that are posting on this topic.  Did anyone think it might be an easier solution when trying to get Sam back if everybody quit talking about it?? I'm sure Vicky is enjoying the attention, and if she does give Sam back then this thread will stop as will all the attention she is getting for it, don't fool yourselves into thinking she gives a rats a** what you think of her, but at the moment she sure knows everybody is..


by steve1 on 25 August 2011 - 18:08


by VomMarischal on 25 August 2011 - 19:08

PEACE, guys! I know everybody is desperate to get Sam away from this abusive situation and we get kinda freaky, but we can't get nasty to each other about it. Reserve your venom for vickie.

by AKVeronica60 on 26 August 2011 - 06:08

1. My dogs are no longer at risk. I have Vinetta with me in Alaska where she is receiving the best care.
2. Athos is with Cindy Thorne, and he is healthy with very good semen. I am satisfied that Cindy is taking good care of him, and she was ALWAYS the owner, not Vickie, which I did not know until June of this year.
3. Vickie gave one of Vinetta's puppies a kind man, who saw how terribly sick and small the puppy was and gave puppy to me so I might get him vet care. I did. He is living, and is doing much better. A trainer from the east coast who is well known has already taken him, and he was GIVEN AWAY.
4. Bhall is not sitting on her hands. No, she can't tell you what she's doing. She's not playing on the school yard and refusing to give you the ball, Steve1. Grow up.
5. The persons who have, are, and will be putting their money where their mouth is is me, Bhall,and Scott.
6. Because I refuted Vickie's libel on the PDB, the "Bloodthirsty fact finding bitches", Jan, Sue, and VM all offered valuable advice and one wonderful BFFB donated money to the cause. I received many helpful and informational phone calls because of the PDB. It was strategy, not whining. If you aren't going to help the dogs, I could care less what you think. If you aren't helping, you mean nothing to me. For those that do help, by God I'll have their backs in the future however I can. That's what REAL dog people do.
7. Steve1, put your money where your mouth is, or at least get off your ass and help THE DOG, whatever you think of me and Bhall. Contact me for a chore you can do to help, or quit playing prima donna for attention.

That goes for anyone. I have a chore you can do for me that costs nothing and isn't difficult to do. Please contact me if you want to help the dog.

And Steve1 if you have a goddamn wand with a built in locator spell that you can wave to transport me and Bhall to Oklahoma and back again, do it. Bhall can get the dog and I can drive the damn fairy godfather escape vehicle because I am physically incapable of running from angry property owners. While you are at it, wave that wand and give us bullet proof vests. I HAVE helped repossess a horse with a friend in Florida in the past, and we got SHOT AT. Fortunately, they had bad aim, or weren't totally serious about perforating us with lead. And I could run really really fast back then.




by steve1 on 26 August 2011 - 06:08

It is easy to Yap the way you are doing Get off your Butt and go to the USA and get the bloody dog back if you think so much about it as you say, As an alternative you Pay me a  good Fee, my Expenses and Flight and Car with GPS. Give me the Dogs Registration Papers, find out where the dog is photos of the dog and i will go and get it, How is that for putting your money where your mouth is, It will not come cheap i am not doing it as a favour for you or BHall both of you lack any backbone as far as i am concerned but i will do as i say, You people are frightened of a whisper in the bloody dark.
One concession BHall lives in the USA she knows the Country i do not, she comes with me but stays out of it in the Car and any harms way, if there is any big trouble she can drive off and leave me to it.
but is all goes well she will know if we have the correct dog and why should she refuse if she thinks so much of the dog
So what if someone points a Gun at me that you people are so bothered about do you think it will be the first time in my life i have faced looking down the barrel of a gun NOT BLOODY so,  then the one holding it will have to have the guts to pull the trigger before i get to them, If i do get to the one holding the gun then that person will not look up into the sky again thats guaranteed with me it is an eye for an eye so the one holding the gun will not have to hesitate.
As an afterthought should i fail to get the Dog and get back to my own country then that will mean one of two things i will be dead or in Jail, Whichever way It will be headline News and each one of you will be bought up regardless of just using a pen name on a forum the Powers to be will find you and you will get the publicity that you are wanting in full and probably the dog back anyway
As for doing any chores for you i am no ones servant so do them yourself

by AKVeronica60 on 26 August 2011 - 07:08

Steve 1:
I see you want to be paid, how helpful. *where's the sarcasm font?* Making money off our misfortune, and you are SO concerned for the dog. "Oh, I've faced a gun and I'm tough and not afraid of bullets and I'll do it if you pay all my expenses and a big fee even though I'm not a professional and don't have a clue how to get about it and gosh, I can't find the dog because I dont' know the country but send me money anyway. And I'm so concerned for Sam I want big money cause I ain't cheap."

But can you contact me to do one little favor that actually costs you nothing? No. I have no PM that says "I hate your stinking guts, but what can I do for the dog?" Nope, just more yammering about how you are better and you are tough and fearless and can't find the dog if were to actually go--after we send you money. 

BTW, I'm 4,000 miles from Oklahoma myself. YOur confidence in my ability to do what you say you yourself would have difficulty in doing is flattering.

Seems to me that I'm the one who spent a small fortune so far, while you sit there and condemn and armchair quarterback while not even bothering to do the one little favor that cost you nothing. You DO nothing while vilifying those who are trying.
Talk is cheap and empty. DO.


by steve1 on 26 August 2011 - 08:08

So you would expect me to Pay my own fare and expenses and find the Dog in a strange country without help from the Owner or yourself No id of the dog no photos and not a clue where to look Yes' you are a good talker indeed You joke about and scoff at my request thats okay in words. You say you live 4000 miles away from Oklahoma, How far do you think i have to travel 100miles, No Lady i live in little Belgium part of Europe, do you not think that as far as yourself yet it is for me to get there at my cost thats what you are saying, and i am the one doing the deed.
I have navigated through places where you would not dream of setting foot but i had maps, a way of communication and a compass,
Okay' You find out where the Dog is give me the papers, Get BHall to come along as above we can use her car to save you money with no risk to her, She can drive off and leave me at the first sign of trouble, Pay my flight cost and expenses of traveling around whist i am there then FORGET ANY FEE.
Lady you do not know the first thing about me so do not assume that you do, You do not know what i have done in part of my life NO more than my family does to this very day it has never been said. and it never will reason you sign papers and thats it you do not break a code of honour for no one it goes with me to the grave
I am no tough Guy but i am not a Coward and although i am getting on in years most likely older than most on here i can still look after myself. I do what i say or have a damn good try I am not going to run if they point a Gun at me, if they do then they had better use it otherwise they will see no more thats me and thats Fact it will be carried out in that kind of situation
 The consequences afterwards i do not give a Shit about, if it so happens and i get caught then to bad but i will give it my best shot. This is my final offer if you and BHall, turn it down then go your own way i have tried suggesting things drastic to some perhaps, but my thought was for the Dog not you or BHall she does not deserve the Dog no more than do you for letting your dogs go in the first place

by Jeff Oehlsen on 26 August 2011 - 09:08

How many stray dogs were gassed in the time from the start of this thread to the last post ? I am my own person. I happen to like my dogs a lot. I would go and get my own damn dog, and not post some silly story on the internet.

However, someone would have had to have stolen without my knowledge the dog, as they damn sure are paying for the dog before it leaves my house. The money will be in the bank. 

I am amazed at all of this. Dogs live in misery all over the country, what makes this dog special to all of you ? Ever see dogs get gassed ? Now that is horror.

I don't do rescue anymore, and I don't have any sympathy for someone that lost their dog like this. If it sounds shady, it IS shady. Amazing.

Yellow Rose, I am the one that called them dumb fucks. Sad, but true, that is my opinion. They sold their dogs to a scammer. If they were oh so precious to them, then why were they sold ? I am not selling my dog, as I really really like him...... when we are not trialing and at the house. LOL 

I don't get all this, and I really really have no idea why I read this thread again tonight. I really must be that bored.


by Bhall on 26 August 2011 - 13:08

OK, James Bond we will give it some thought.


by steve1 on 26 August 2011 - 14:08

If you want to be funny and call names then do not bother James Bond indeed you are not doing me any favours it is the other way around, You can take the piss as much as you want I was serious about helping you if you played your part and came along,
Yes, you take it nice and lightly now but if we encounter any problems and likely we will, it will be you wetting your knickers it will not be me Pis--ing my Pants but overall it should be a Blast because once i get there i am not coming out empty handed regardless of what may happen so be prepared for fireworks and it will not be James Bond but an ordinary Guy helping you out


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