German Shepherd Bloodlines - Page 13

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by vk4gsd on 21 April 2016 - 20:04

The Javir thing shows how meaningless and arbitrary the 6 bloodline concept is.

Just a marketing gimmick.


by Prager on 21 April 2016 - 20:04

I have mentioned that the GSd as a breed is not so sturdy. Yes GSD is very genetically fragile and easily to be wrecked by dilettantes not just by incorrect breeding as such, but even by mere changing of the breeding system through which quality was achieved in the first place, by some other approach in middle of the stream.
One way to genetically fix traits is breeding in line. That improves the sturdiness of the breed which means that the dogs are not just healthy and physically resilient what I mean by breed sturdiness is genetic resilience leading to uniformity of the progeny in high qualities and low in undesirable qualities.


by Prager on 21 April 2016 - 20:04


FYI Javir is 1st line :)  


by Gigante on 21 April 2016 - 20:04

Hans: "Fragile balancing act" Anyone stating otherwise has probably never bred much of anything, I couldn't agree more.

Thank you Hans, I appreciate the kind words. Extra special coming from someone who's been around dogs for so long.


by Prager on 21 April 2016 - 20:04

Bawarian Wagon said: By the way…for those that want to take backhanded shots at the people that seem to be “against bloodlines” aren’t understanding correctly what people are saying. Yes…there are bloodlines, there are definitely more male lines “overall” than female lines.

Hans: What are you talking about?? There are basically 5 male blood lines. Nobody studies females lines since they are of no significance. Instead females too are valued by what male line they come from.

BW said :
Or are we just assuming that all those dogs also all go back to Hektor and so that’s the bloodline being bred? In which case…not a very rare bloodline as it was sold in that post.

Hans: The rarity is not the blood line but the circumstances which created it. Nobody is trying to sell you anything I am just stating fact which you do not know. As far as Javir goes he is a flash in a pan - red herring. His line is one dog does not make a line.He already is not producing much. and his progeny is "Balnd"/bland which speaks volumes about the male line concept.

And it is funny how you dispute experience of successful and world renown breeders. That IMO is quit unwise. Where do you go to learn from? Inexperienced failures? Is that logical ? Not to me.
Take care.
Prager Hans

by joanro on 21 April 2016 - 20:04

Maybe the approach needs fixing being as it has only made a ' genetically fragile gsd'..
'There are basically 5 male blood lines. Nobody studies females lines since they are of no significance. Instead females too are valued by what male line they come from.'

Perhaps if the female was 'studied' , your lines would not be so fragile. Studying only half the equation is bound to create weak link, or fragile genetics.


by Gigante on 21 April 2016 - 21:04

That would be a straw man attack as opposed to the ad hominem clinic provided earlier. Perhaps a thread name change is in order. ;) What a clinic today.

by vk4gsd on 21 April 2016 - 21:04

Hans I meant Javir shows the stupidity and arbitrary nature of this line concept. An extinct line becomes not extinct because of one dog's genes 100+ years later.

Forget about his litter mates even.

Jesus H Christ could only bring himself back from extinction after 3 days. Javir brings back an entire line that has been extinct for 100 years.

Beyond ridiculous.

by joanro on 21 April 2016 - 21:04

@vk..not to mention, females' lines are not studied because they are of no significance except for their sires lines. That's got to be the most empty statement regarding breeding I've ever heard.

Sounds like the dark ages attitude toward the female of all species, including humans.

by vk4gsd on 21 April 2016 - 21:04

Not one of the original sires had mothers, didn't you know?


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